The ending of the payroll month is separate from ending the fiscal month. This is to accommodate situations where the first payroll of a new month is due before the previous fiscal month is ended. After running the last payroll of the month, it is ...
When creating variable rate fertilizer Blend Tickets with multiple Products that will be applied individually in a single application using a multi-bin spreader, separate blend sheets may be printed to give to the plant operator to load the individu...
Customers sometimes request that Unapplied Cash on their account be applied to a different customer’s account such as a farm or a relative’s account. At the Customer Payment on Accounts screen found at A/R / Payments / Add , select the customer...
Found at Equal Bills / Posting , this area is used to create a Budget Invoice for the tanks with the Equal Billing Info completed at File / Open / Tank Information on the Profile tab. Setup There are a few items needing a one-time setup pri...
Grain Scale reports are found at Hub / Utilities / Agvance Grain Scale Interface / Reports / Pre-Transfer Reports . Inbound Scale Tickets This report shows Grade Factors and split information on the Scale Ticket before transferring the Scale Ti...
Select Manage on the User Maintenance card found at SKY Admin / Grower360 / User Maintenance to view Grower360 accounts and the Customer accounts with which they are associated. Use the Search field at the top of the User Maintenance p...
Accessed by choosing Batch Add at Inventory / Delivery Ticket , this function creates a series of duplicate Delivery Tickets for one Product by either selecting the Product or importing from a Booking. As...
Within Agvance Grain is the Customer Account Details area which allows access to a variety of customer account information. Optionally filter for Favorite Customers by selecting the checkbox. This area is accessed by selecting the File Browser i...
Indicate how many days before a monitor reading is considered stale at Energy / Setup / Preferences in the Monitor Reading Tolerance field.
Monitor readings within the tolerance display and can be used for Product Delivery Order a...
Manage Field Service Requests, FSA Data, and SKY Mapping settings by selecting Setup on the Fields card at SKY Admin / Grower360 / Operations .
Selecting the Service Requests toggle on the Fields page allows ...