Popular Articles

  1. Changing to Estimated Average Cost

    It is best to wait until month end to change an inventory department to an estimated average cost department. To make the change, do the following: Edit the desired departments to change the posting to estimated average cost. This option is found ...
  2. Creating a Product Set

    Create a group of products from which the nutrient products are selected. Navigate to Blending / Setup / Product Sets .  Choose Add on the Select A Product Set window.  On the Add a Product Blend Set window, enter the Set Descr...
  3. Personalize - SKY Dispatch

    The Personalize tab allows the option to filter and choose which Locations’ jobs are visible as well as choosing Applicators the user is responsible for tracking. General Use the Ellipsis to display Applicators , Delivery Drivers , o...
  4. Budgeting Basics eLearning

    Budgets force management to think and plan, provide an opportunity to organize income and expenses, project earnings for the coming year, serve as a benchmark for comparison to actuals, and help minimize the negative and maximize the positive. &nb...
  5. Stock Certificates

    Stock Certificates are set up at File / Open / Stock Certificates . A Stock Certificate must be established for any form of ownership (or equity) identified to a Patron. This includes such values as Common Stock , Preferred Stock , Deferred Stoc...
  6.  User Security Overview

    This video guides users through ways they can protect and authorize access to Agvance data. ...
  7.  Agvance Planning Overview

    This video highlights some of the many features of the Agvance Planning module in this informational video. In addition to providing an introduction to Sales Orders and Field Plans, some of the reporting tools and other advantages to completing a Pl...
  8. Sky User Activity Dashboard

    Purpose The Sky User Activity dashboard shows a view of what applications are being used and how frequently. This dashboard shows when the user last had a logged event. Selecting the Printer button gives a detailed view with every log occurrin...
  9. Manual Journal Entries

    General ledger account balances can be affected by making a journal entry. In the Agvance system, manual entries are seldom necessary. Some examples of when a manual entry might be necessary would be when the accountant gives adjusting entries at ye...
  10. Bank Deposit Entry should not be Posted

    The following outlines how to clear a line from the Bank Deposit window without affecting the General Ledger. It is recorded as an entry that can be reversed at the Select a Deposit  window. Tag the line item(s) under the Post column not t...