Some vendors require payments to be made with a credit card. The following provides instructions on how to update inventory for one vendor and have a bill for another.
A Purchase Invoice should already be entered using normal purchasing processes (starting with a Purchase Order, Purchase Receipt, or direct Purchase Invoice) for the inventory vendor.
- After the Purchase Invoice has been entered, navigate to Accounting / A/P / Pay Bills.
- Choose the appropriate Vendor and enter the Check Date.
- Once the grid opens, select Memo Checks at the top, then untag any Invoices that should not be paid.
- Indicate the G/L account by double-clicking in the Checking Account field and selecting from the window that displays.
- Make sure plain paper is in the printer since this will print just like a check and select OK.
- When the actual credit card bill arrives, enter the charge from this bill for the credit card vendor at Accounting / A/P / Add/Edit Bills using the same G/L account from the Memo Check. The net effect on the account will be zero.
This process may be used to pay non-inventory related A/P Bills also if a credit card is required.