SKY Analytics


Analytics Fact Sheet
Agvance Analytics equips businesses with interactive dashboards to easily explore and analyze data. Data can be viewed from either a summary or detailed level with the ability to easily drill down or roll back. Create new dashboards or customize predefined dashboards and easily export and share data.
SKY Analytics Project Descriptions
Overview The home page for Analytics where Recently Added and Favorite dashboards can be found. Accounts Receivable Dashboards using Sales Invoice data and Payment data. Admin Dashboards containing activity data for both SKY and Agvance. A...
Enabling New Analytics Dashboard Categories - SKY Analytics
Analytics now has new categories - Accounts Receivable , Agronomy , and Energy . Dashboards from the Customer section that fit under these categories have been moved. If these categories are not visible, a Company Admin may need to enable them...
Overview Page - SKY Analytics
View Recently Added dashboards on the SKY Analytics Overview page. Favorites display under the recently added dashboards and are grouped by category. The Search Dashboards field searches for dashboards across all projects in Analytics. Use...
Downloading Specific Dashboard Sheets as a PDF
The default PDF download in SKY Analytics will only save a screenshot of the dashboard to a PDF. However, it is possible to download specific sheets to a PDF which will include all rows of data. Go to the sheet to download on the dash...
Toolbar Reference - SKY Analytics
The following are options available in the bottom toolbar when viewing a dashboard in Analytics. Undo – Reverse the most recent action in the workbook. Reverse an unlimited number of times back to the last time the workbook opened, even aft...
Dashboard Does Not Open in SKY Analytics After Selecting
A change was made in Analytics to use Tableau’s Connected Apps, which gives the ability to log into Tableau without using the Sign In button. If signed into one Tableau site but signed into a different company in SKY, the spinner displays after s...
Explanation of Analytics Errors
The following is an explanation of potential errors that could occur in SKY Analytics. A broken tractor with a message displays. Tableau & SKY Mismatch There was a problem displaying the dashboard. This can be due to a number of reasons: th...
Troubleshooting Tips for Mobile Devices - SKY Analytics
Testing was performed with an iPhone 13 on iOS 18.0. Only Chrome and Safari were used for testing as they are the browsers supported for SKY. Be sure both the device iOS version and browser applications are updated to the latest versions. B...