Popular Articles

  1.  How RFID Works

    The grain RFID card reader is a beneficial tool to help truck drivers more efficiently complete the scale process. ...
  2. Mapping Videos

  3. Supplier eLink Videos

  4. Correct Vendor Prepay Balance across Fiscal Year End

    Current and prior year vendor prepay balances can be corrected in prior and current datasets as long as the current year dataset is still in fiscal month 1. Log into the current year and add a prepay A/P bill for the vendor whose balance is wrong...
  5. Grower360 Products

    The Products page displays a list of Products purchased by the Grower and provides access to Product detail including total cost sums and Invoices. Products can be searched and/or filtered by using the Search field at the top of the page. Leavi...
  6. Grower360 Grain Overview

    The following can be viewed from the Grain  menu: Scale Tickets – Delivered grain can be viewed by Scale Tickets, Commodity, or Assembly Sheets. Reports can be generated. Grain Offers – Open Grain Offers can be viewed...
  7. Unbilled Tickets Dashboard

    This dashboard honors user restrictions based on Login location. Purpose The Unbilled Tickets dashboard can be used to determine the number of tickets and quantity of those tickets that have been loaded but not yet invoiced. The Unbilled Ticke...
  8. PO Types and Purchase Add-on Charges

    PO Types User definable Purchase Order Types may be entered at Accounting / Setup / Inventory / PO Types . Once entered, they can be selected at the Purchase Order screen when adding or editing. Some common uses for Purchase Order Types might be...
  9. Canadian T4A and T5 Forms

    Navigate to Accounting / End of Periods / Print EOY Tax Forms / Canadian Tax Forms . T4A Form The T4A form is used to report Patronage Earned and Canadian Income Tax amounts. Tax Year – Enter the tax year the information represents...
  10. Dicamba License on Custom App Sheet

    Q.  As a company that custom applies Dicamba products for post applications, we need to be able to print the custom applicator’s Dicamba license number and the date of training on the Custom Application sheet. A.  A Dicamba ...