Delivery Tickets


 Delivery Tickets in Agvance
Delivery Tickets, used to record inventory movement prior to the billing step, may be reached from either Inventory / Delivery Ticket or the shortcut icon. The Customer Selection screen that precedes the Delivery Ticket screen is exactly ...
 Batch Add Delivery Tickets
                        Accessed by choosing Batch Add at Inventory / Delivery Ticket , this function creates a series of duplicate Delivery Tickets for one Product by either selecting the Product or importing from a Booking. As...
Loaded Delivery Tickets
Delivery Tickets are intended to record outbound product movement without affecting the Customer balance (yet). There are two statuses of a Delivery Ticket: Loaded and Not Loaded . A Delivery Ticket that is not loaded can serve as a work order ...
Combine/Split Delivery Tickets
It is common for a tenant to pick up Product for several farms not knowing then how the Product will be distributed. Later, the tenant advises how the billing should be handled. At that time, the Inventory / Combine/Split Delivery Tickets feature ...
 Batch Print Delivery Tickets
This area at Accounting / Inventory / Batch Print Delivery Tickets allows a batch of Delivery Tickets to be printed, exported to a PDF, or, if the CRM module is used, the batch of Delivery Tickets may be emailed. Select Range – Select...
 Voiding and Reversing Delivery Tickets
Voiding Only unprocessed or not loaded Delivery Tickets may be voided from Inventory / Delivery Tickets by using Void . If a ticket is processed, the Invoice could be voided to re-open the Delivery Ticket, and then the Delivery Ticket co...
Lot Numbers on Delivery Tickets
If the person in the office doesn't know what Lot Number the customer should get,  set up the unloaded ticket without picking a Lot Number. When the products are scanned in the warehouse, Agvance will attach the Lot Number scanned to the correspondi...
Convert Pounds to Tons Automatically
Agvance automatically converts pounds to tons on Delivery Tickets if the Inventory Units on the Product is set to Tns . On the Product tab at Hub / Setup / Company Preferences , select Add Unit . Enter Tns as the  Unit ID . When addin...
Backorder Functionality
When Product is entered on a Delivery Ticket, but not enough Product is on hand to fill the request, picked and backordered information may be indicated on the Delivery Ticket. A new Delivery Ticket for the backordered quantity may be created and t...
Seed Bill To Ship To on a Delivery Ticket
Optionally include the Bag Size and Total LBS on the Delivery Ticket printout. To include the size of the bag and the total pounds on the Delivery Ticket printout, the  Format must be set to  Seed Bill to/Ship to at  Accounting / Setup / Loca...
Automated Blender Interface
Agvance Delivery Tickets integrate with automated blenders, using the SSI Standard XML Interface . Automated blender files created from the Delivery Ticket are processed by the automated blender. The updated information imports back into Agvance to...