AP Bills


 Add AP Bill
Add a Bill Window Vendor Invoices for services or items not for resale are entered at A/P / Add/Edit Bills . This action adds to the vendor balance, the appropriate expense accounts, and the Accounts Payable account. Vendor – Double-click...
Reverse AP Check Posted to Next Month
At File / Open / Vendor , edit the Vendor and select the Activity   tab. Choose List  under Payments. This will list the payments for the vendor. Highlight the check to be reversed and select Void .  When the Disbursement  screen appears...
Recurring AP Bills
Recurring A/P Bills are ones that are entered repetitively. Payment for rented storage facilities or equipment lease payments might be examples of recurring A/P Bills. Add Recurring Bills at Setup / A/P / Recurring A/P Bills . This function allows...
AP Bill Import
Navigate to Accounting / A/P / Add/Edit Bills .  On the Select an A/P Bill window select Add . Choose a Vendor and click Select .  On the Add  a Bill window, select Import File . On the Select Import  File   window select the Browse...
 Void / Reverse an AP Bill
Void Overview Because an A/P bill cannot be edited, if a bill is entered incorrectly (and no payments have been made against the bill), it will need to be voided. How this is done depends on where the bill originated. The two cases are shown be...
Voiding / Reversing Vendor Disbursements
There are 4 separate scenarios of voiding/reversing vendor disbursements. When the bill is correct and the disbursement exists in the current Agvance data When the bill is correct and the disbursement does not exist in current Agvance data Whe...
Vendor Checks Print Order
Vendor checks may be printed on the wrong check number when the Accounting / A/P / Pay Bills window is sorted by Name and there are vendors with similar names, but the letter case does not match.  For example, if there is a vendor named Acme and ...