Grower360 Operations - SKY Admin


Grower360 Fields - SKY Admin
Fields Field service requests can be managed for Grower360 under Grower360 in SKY Admin. Select Setup to view and manage field service request options. Selecting the Service Requests toggle on the Fields page allows Gr...
Grower360 Energy - SKY Admin
Select Setup on the Energy card found at SKY Admin / Grower360 in the Setup section. Turn on the Refill Requests toggle to allow Grower360 users to request a refill for tanks. Terms are required in the Add Propane Tank Refill Terms s...
 Grower360 Grain - SKY Admin
Manage Grain reports and Cash Bid setup under Grower360 in SKY Admin. Bid Criteria Selecting Edit on the Bid Criteria card displays the Bid Criteria page. Here, the option can be unchecked for any bid criteria that is for intern...
Grower360 Products - SKY Admin
Setup and preferences for Product reorder requests in Grower360 can be found by selecting Setup on the Products card in SKY Admin. Once the below areas are populated appropriately, choose Save . Note: To use this function, the Requeste...