Updated Articles

  1.  Grower360 Grain - SKY Admin

    Manage Grain reports and Cash Bid setup under Grower360 in SKY Admin. Bid Criteria Selecting Edit on the Bid Criteria card displays the Bid Criteria page. Here, the toggle can be switched to the Off position for an...
  2. Shipping Order Manager (and Truckload Manager) User Guide

    Shipping Order Manager, an additional purchase module, is a tool to help manage wholesale businesses and gives the opportunity to manage the shipment of product from the manufacturer directly to the customer or from the inventory to the customer t...
  3. 7.0.26290 | 09.10.2024 New

    Accounting Inventory FTM-4016 / Shipping Order Manager – The Select Shipping Order Manager window remembers the column selected to sort by and the sort order (ascending/descending) while editing Shipping Orders as long as the Select Shippi...
  4. Grower360 User Maintenance

    User Maintenance can be found under Grower360 in SKY Admin. Select Manage on the User Maintenance card to view Grower360 accounts and the customer accounts with which they are associated. Use the Search field at the top of...
  5. Activity Tab

    A summary of the last 10 most recent activities displays on the Activity tab in Customer. Different information is available depending on the transaction type. Select the transaction number to navigate to where that specific transaction resides in...
  6. Single Product Setup for Blending and Planning Process

    Prepare a single product for use in Agvance Blending and Planning. Navigate to Hub / File / Open / Products . Note: This can also be done at Accounting / File / Open / Products . On the Select a Product window, choose the desired ...
  7. Void/Delete a Plan

    To delete an individual Field Plan, go to Planning / File / Open / Field Plan . Select the Plan and choose Delete . To delete a group of plans, go to Planning / Utilities / Delete Field Plans . Fill in the proper information and selec...
  8. Setting Up and Tracking Consignment Products

    Vendors will sometimes supply a dealership with product and bill them monthly for the portion of the product that is sold. Below is how to set up and manage that product. Add the Product and mark the Consignment checkbox on the Profile tab. Thi...
  9. SKY Users and Reset Password

    As a Company Admin, view and edit all SKY users set up for the company as well as provide access to various features within SKY. If a Company Admin has not already been established, contact an SSI Sales Representative to begin the process. Sele...
  10.  Sales Orders - SKY Order

    All Sales Orders are displayed including the Ticket # , Date , Customer , Location , and Status . Note: Sales Orders must be enabled in SKY Admin before they can be viewed in SKY Order.   Select the Ellipsis ico...