Prepay & Bookings


Generic Prepay Types
To enter Bookings for generic Prepay, the Generic Prepay Types must be set up at  Setup / A/R / Generic Prepay Types . Description – Enter the name of the Generic Prepay. This is the name that displays in the drop-down menu to select when e...
 Regular Booking
Splits – This allows any predefined splits that might have been set at the Customer Selection screen or Field file to be viewed. In a split situation, the first Customer (usually the grower) is displayed on the opening screen. Custo...
Import Field Plans or Sales Orders
Field Plans created in the Agvance Planning module or Sales Orders created in the Planning module, Agvance Sales module, or Order app may be imported into Bookings. This process maintains any quoted prices that were set at the Field planning stage. ...
Take No Money or Prepay Later
The dealer might create a Booking without taking money for a couple of reasons. Perhaps the product is spoken for but the customer will prepay later. Sometimes the dealer gives special pricing for early orders to aid in the ordering process from the...
Partial Pay Booking - Down Payment
A Down Payment type Booking is one in which the Customer will pay a percentage of total dollars booked, a dollar amount per units booked, or a flat dollar amount down on a Booking, with the remaining amount never to be paid. This type of Booking...
 Prepay Specific Products
The customer selects and books products to get special, lower prices locked in for those items in exchange for prepaying before the application season. In reality, there are usually some substitutions in season, but, in general, the customer ...
 Update Booking Price from High/Low Price Utility
This Booking utility found at Admin Utilities / Accounting works with high/low Booking prices to adjust the Booking price on unpaid Bookings as the market fluctuates. The Update Booking Price from High/Low Price utility only includes unpaid...
Prepay Money Only - Special Prepay Prices
In this case, the customer pays a certain amount of money but not for specific items. Special pricing is given on the products when the prepay money is used. Have an item in the inventory called Prepaid Product. In this case, the generic item is us...
Bookings Hierarchy
The following steps outline the process Agvance follows to determine the order Bookings default on an Invoice. First, Agvance checks for Product Specific Bookings by Field. If none exist, then it checks for Product Specific Bookings. The following ...
 Using Generic Prepay with Unpaid Product Bookings
                                              Multiple Bookings may be added to a single Invoice, including an unpaid Product-specific Booking and a generic prepaid Booking. This is helpful when a customer prepays for a Pr...
Generic Prepaid Bookings
There are 2 ways to create generic Bookings in Agvance: Create a generic prepay product in a miscellaneous inventory department. Use this product on a Booking, entering the dollars to be received in the Quantity  column and $1.00 as the Unit Pri...
Booking Payment Methods
Booking Payment Methods can be set up at  Setup / A/R / Booking Payment Methods . These Booking Payment Methods can be selected from the  Planned Booking Payment Method drop-down on the Add Booking  window to note how the Customer plans t...
Prepay Money - Give Customer Interest
This method is often used when the dealer wants to avoid the bookkeeping chore of setting, applying, and tracking special prepay pricing. This option takes the prepay dollars and adds interest at the time the payment is taken. The product is then bi...
 Enter a Booking with a Contract Down Payment
Prepay a portion of a Booking to lock in a price using those dollars proportionately when Invoicing. Go to A/R / Product Bookings and choose Add . If the prepaid products are to be used only on specific fields, then they should be booked ...
Product Order from Field Plans to Bookings
When importing Field Plans into a Booking, an option to not combine like items can be selected on the Import Plans / Sales Orders window. If this option is selected, the Products will display in the order they were entered on the Field Plans. ...
Record Free Product on a Booking
The following is an example of recording free seed bags when adding a Booking. It is recommended to set up a Free Seed Discount Product in a non-inventoried Miscellaneous department with Inventory and Billing Units of Bags . Point the sales accoun...
Change Generic Booking to Product Specific
If the Booking has not been invoiced, use the following steps. Edit the Booking. Delete the generic product. Add the products for the product specific Booking. Mark the line items as paid. Save the Booking. Note:  The total dollars booked b...
Print Methods
When a Print Method other than No Roll-up is selected on a Booking, the Booking document reflects the selected Print Method . Additionally, Booking Contracts roll up Products according to the Print Method selected on the Booking. At Acc...
Using Unapplied Cash to Prepay Booking
To use Unapplied Cash to prepay a Booking, add a Payment by navigating to Accounting / A/R / Payments or by selecting the Payment on Account(s) shortcut icon. At the Payment On Account  screen, change the drop-down next to the Paymen...
Customer Out of Balance between Prepay Bookings and Prepay Balance
The customer checkup shows a customer out of balance between prepay Bookings and the prepay balance on file. At the Reconcile Customer Prepay screen, there are no Bookings in the grid to reconcile. The Booking Status report shows the customer has ...
 Business Influences on Bookings
Larger customers or companies may have a business relationship with other accounts such as other Customers, Farms, or entities. They want these accounts to be billed separately but want to book all the Product under the main account because at the t...
Booking Contract Signatures
Growers are able to sign Booking contracts from Grower360 or Customer. For more information on receiving notifications in SKY when a Booking Contract is ready for signature, see SKY Notifications .             In Agvance In order ...
Prepay and Bookings FAQs
Q.  I created a booking by analysis and when I printed the document, it is not printing the analysis. A.  In this case, the Dry Fertilizer department was selected as a hidden blend fee department. When you have a department set as a hidden blen...
Transfer Customer Prepay to Unapplied Cash
There are times it may be necessary to transfer a Customer's Prepay balance to their Regular balance.  More specifically, it may be desired to transfer the Prepay balance to the Unapplied Cash bucket of the Customer's Regular balance.  At A/R...