Payment Register

The Payment Register report, found at Accounting / Accounting Reports / Accounts Receivable / A/R Status, can be used to assist with daily cash drawer reconciliation or provide Customer Payment history for a given timeframe. 

Customer and Payment data will display including: Payment #, Control #, Date, ID, Name, Payment Type & Method, Reference Number, Payment Amount, Amount Received,  Discount, and Total Credit. Also included is a Location Recap, displaying the Location of Payments, Method of Payment Totals, and G/L Account to which payments were posted. Optionally, using the Show Detail option will include the Invoices paid by the payment.

  • Select Customers  The Payment Register report defaults to All Customers. To choose specific Customers, use the Select button.
  • Classifications  Customers can be selected by Classifications. Information regarding Classifications can be found here.
  • Print Notes – Select to include the information added in the Description section of the Payment on the report.
  • Show Detail – Select to include the detail of the Invoices paid by the Payment.
  • Include Payments Select which Payments to include in the report - Regular, Prepay, or Budget Billing
    Note: Any combination of Payments can be selected, including selecting all three options.
  • Payment Method Default is All. Optionally, select a specific Payment Method from the list.
  • Location  Default is the Location selected upon logging into Agvance. Optionally, select a different Location from the list.
  • Source  Default is All. Optionally, select a specific Source from the list.
  • Select Range  The Payment Register report can be run based on Payment #, Date, or Fiscal Month. Select the desired range and set the Start and End parameter.
  • Sort by  Choose to sort the report by Payment # / Date, Control # / Date, Customer / Payment # / Date, or Customer / Control # / Date. If the Customer / Payment # / Date or Customer / Control # / Date option is selected, the choice to sort by ID or Name becomes available.
  • User – Default is All. Optionally select a specific Useto filter results to Payments entered by that user.