Prepay Specific Products

The customer selects and books products to get special, lower prices locked in for those items in exchange for prepaying before the application season. In reality, there are usually some substitutions in season, but, in general, the customer plans to use these products.

Record Prepay for Specific Product

  1. Navigate to Accounting / A/R / Product Bookings and select Add
  2. Select a customer by double-clicking the Customer Name column heading or choose a Field by double-clicking in the By Field area. 
  3. On the Add Booking window, double-click the Product Name column heading. Choose the products to include on the Booking, enter the Quantity, and choose Done
  4. Establish the price for each product by double-clicking under the Unit $ column heading. Select a Price Level or enter a new price and choose OK
  5. Select the checkbox in the P column for all prepaid line items. 
  6. Choose Save on the Add Booking window. 
  7. Select the desired printing options and choose OK
  8. The Receive Payment(s) on Account window displays. Enter the Date, Disc, Ref #, Pay Method(s), and Pay Amount(s). Choose Save to mark the Booking as Paid and accept the payment.
    Note: The total of the Pay Amount(s) must equal the Payment Total.

Substitute Prepaid Items at Billing

It is quite common for the customer to substitute items in season rather than buy the exact items that were prepaid. There are three options:

  1. At the Invoicing screen, after selecting the product to be invoiced, set the $/Unit price to be charged for that product. Select in the Levl column and the Booking detail is available. Because the invoiced item was not prepaid, choose Show Products. Select the prepaid item to steal money from and select Done. Be certain that the P column is checked on the line item after the Booking is selected.
  2. The Booking may possibly be voided under the following conditions
    • No invoicing has been done against the Booking.
    • If it is a paid Booking, void or reverse the Payment first, and then void the Booking. This option works if the change occurs prior to using any of the Booking on an Invoice.
  3. Edit the Booking. Paid Booking line items may be edited as long as the quantity is not reduced below the amount that has been previously invoiced. Existing lines may be edited or deleted and new lines added if necessary, selecting Paid appropriately. After making changes to a prepaid booking, if the prepay amount is more than the original amount of prepay, a Payment on Account screen appears to record the additional payment amount. Editing is not allowed on fully invoiced Bookings.