Enter a Booking with a Contract Down Payment

Prepay a portion of a Booking to lock in a price using those dollars proportionately when Invoicing.

  1. Go to A/R / Product Bookings and choose Add.
  2. If the prepaid products are to be used only on specific fields, then they should be booked by field. Select either the field or customer(s) involved for this Booking.
  3. Select the products and quantity to be booked. To set the prices, double-click in the Unit $ column and either type the agreed price in the New Price field or select it from one of the preset pricing levels.
    Note: Payment Terms are not allowed on down payment Bookings.
  4. The P column is the Paid indicator. Select in this column for each item that is partially prepaid.
  5. The Dwn column is the Down Payment indicator. Select in this column for each item.
    Note: For each customer, all line items on the Booking must have the same Down Payment status.
  6. With the P and Dwn indicators selected, double-click in the Amt Paid field for that line item. Enter the amount and note if the partial is to be a Percent of Total $, Per Billing Unit, or Dollars. Select Calculate Down Payment. The down payment calculations show. If the amounts are correct, choose Done.
  7. Save the Booking and optionally print a copy.
  8. A Receive Payment(s) on Account screen appears. Indicate who in the billing split is prepaying. The amount paid may be altered from the amount booked by using the Discount column. Saving enters a payment on account for the customer and increases their current Prepay balance.
    Note: The total of the Pay Amount(s) must equal the Payment Total.
    Note: If the transaction is cancelled at the Receive Payment(s) on Account window, the Booking is saved as unpaid.