Updated Articles

  1. Maintenance Work Orders

    Work Order ID – The Work Order ID is automatically generated by the program. Directions/Notes – Information typed in this area appears when the Maintenance Work Order is printed. This information also appears in email and text...
  2. Maintenance Categories

    Navigate to Energy / Setup / Categories . Category – Used on Maintenance Work Orders, the categories may be various jobs to be completed such as painting tanks or changing regulators. Frequency – This is an area for future dev...
  3. Regulators

    Navigate to Energy / Setup / Regulators . Regulator ID – This is a unique number among all regulators. If the regulator has a unique serial number, enter it here. Otherwise, use the customer ID of the tank where the regulator is assign...
  4. Cost of Goods Seems Incorrect

    If it seems the Cost of Sales account has an incorrect value, it may be necessary to involve SSI support to find the source of the problem. The following is a list of items to check: Run the Income Statement month by month to find the first fiscal...
  5. NACM Export

    The NACM Export is found at Accounting / Transfers / Export . This creates a text file which National Association of Credit Management (NACM) members can submit to report customer aged balances to banks or other entities. The Output File Path dete...
  6. PO/PI Tolerance

    To help manage pricing variances between the Purchase Order price and the Purchase Invoice price, the PO/PI Tolerance may be established. This setting is found at Setup / Inventory / PO/PI Tolerance . Dollar ranges and tolerance amounts for each ...
  7. Update Rent/Lease Amounts

    This utility was created as a quick and easy way to update rent or lease amounts charged per cycle. The New Amount may be applied to all selected tanks or the amount can be manually updated for each tank. Tank rent and lease amounts can easily be...
  8. Reconcile Budget Billing

    Overview At the end of the season, this utility at Energy / Equal Bills / Reconcile may be used reconcile accounts for Budget Billing customers, or may be used to move budget money to the customer’s Accounts Receivable account to cover op...
  9. Posting Equal Bills

    Posting Equal Bills at Energy / Equal Bills / Posting creates a Memo Invoice for each selected customer. Creating a Memo Invoice does not affect the customer’s Regular Accounts Receivable account or the General Ledger. It does show on the cu...
  10. Combine and Split Out Blend Tickets

    This feature, found at Blending / Edit , is designed for situations where product is spread from the same ticket on several fields or several tickets need to be combined into one or more new tickets. This function combines and splits out Blend Tick...