EBID to GLN Conversion

When making the conversion from EBID to GLN, multiple areas in Agvance as well as AGIIS Customer Web Services need updated.

Note: If using Grower Orders, contact SSI to coordinate updating GLNs. 

Updates to Agvance

Open the eBusiness Setup window at Setup / E-Business in the Supplier eLink module. 

In the Vendor Cross References grid, change the Code Type to AGIIS-EBID, and, if a new vendor attribute was added to store the GLN, select AGIIS-EBID in the Attribute column.

In the Locations grid, change the Code Type to AGIIS-EBID and set the Value column to the GLN value for each location.

In the Default Code Types area, choose AGIIS-EBID as the Code Type for Vendor.

Update to the AGIIS Customer Web Service

For the AGIIS Customer Web Service, change the value of the Retailer IC Code under Setup / Company to be the company’s GLN.

Agrimine, EZTrak, and Grower Sales Export Setup

Navigate to Hub / Setup / Company. Enter the password on the Password Entry window, and on the Company Information window, edit the Retailer IC Code to the appropriate GLN.

At Hub / Setup / Locations, edit the IC Code for each location to be the appropriate GLN. 

Meppel Export Setup

At Hub / Setup / Locations, edit the IC Code for each location to be the appropriate GLN. 

If reporting IC Codes as the Reseller ID then edit the ResellerID cross reference by editing the Customer Profile tab at Accounting / File / Open / Customers.