Supplier eLink


Supplier eLink Setup Guide
Supplier e-Link provides the ability to integrate with web services made available from seed and chemical suppliers who have followed industry-driven standards and guidelines for this type of e-commerce communication. These web services make it easi...
Supplier eLink Seed Supplier Information
The following companies are suppliers for Supplier eLink. EPSI  - Electronic Price Sheet Import Electronic BO L - Electronic Bill of Lading (EDNs & ESNs) GPOS - Grower Point of Sale Reporting P.O. - Electronic Purchase Orders S...
Supplier eLink B2B Fact Sheet
Customer Connection Integrate with web services made available from seed and chemical suppliers Easily report the sale and receipt of products through web services Import product attributes and delivery notifications Invoice and export informat...
EBID to GLN Conversion
When making the conversion from EBID to GLN, multiple areas in Agvance as well as AGIIS Customer Web Services need updated. Note:  If using Grower Orders, contact SSI to coordinate updating GLNs.  Updates to Agvance Open the eBusiness Setup wi...
Manage Seed Orders
Grower Order Grower Orders allow one entry point to manage product orders from growers and vendors. Optionally filter Grower Orders with the Booking Status drop-down to display ALL , Deleted , or Not Deleted on the Select Grower Order windo...
Changing Product Package Size / Treatment on Grower Orders
It is recommended to contact seed representatives to handle package size and treatment changes to eliminate the risk of losing seed.  Agvance does include options available to address package size and treatment changes when needed. Setup To make c...
Require Salesperson on Grower Order
At Accounting / Setup / Preferences / Inventory in the Grower Order section, optionally choose the preference to Require Salesperson . Select Save . Enter a Grower Order at  Accounting / Inventory / Manage Seed Orders / Grower Order . With ...
Multiple Products Found on Select EDN Window
When selecting EDNs for an Agvance transaction, some of the lines say (Multiple products found) in the Prod Name column. Multiple Products found indicates the Product exists in multiple Departments in the currently logged in Location...
Grower Order Product Substitution
A Grower Order Product Substitution utility is available to assist in locating all Grower Orders for a specific Vendor and Location containing the selected Product. This Product can be substituted for a new Product using the utility. Setup Go to ...
United Suppliers / Aligned Ag Supplier eLink Setup for Purchase Order Import / Export
The following steps outline how to set up Supplier eLink for the Purchase Order Import and Export. Setup Set up a B2B icon on the desktop by right-clicking and choosing New / Shortcut . On the Create Shortcut window, browse to the B2BConfg.ex...
 Adding a GLN to a Grower
Easily verify or add GLN information associated with a customer or manufacturer. At Accounting / File / Open / Customer , locate the customer and select Edit .  Choose Attributes to determine if the GLN is listed.  Add the GLN manually...
 Dealer Orders
The Dealer Order functionality is available for vendors set up with seed ordering connectivity. Access to Dealer Order information is based on individual user settings. Go to Accounting / Inventory / Manage Seed Orders / Dealer Orders . Cho...
Dealer Order Reconciliation
Navigate to Accounting / Inventory / Manage Seed Orders / Dealer Order .  On the Select a Dealer Order window, highlight the Dealer Order to reconcile and choose Edit . The Dealer Orders window displays.  Optionally select the products o...
 Grower Orders
Create a Grower Order, Booking, and Purchase Order in one transaction. At Accounting / Inventory / Manage Seed Orders / Grower Order , select Reports to group open orders by Vendor and Location with an option to Exclude Zero Requested Quantit...
 Grower to Grower Transfer
Seed orders can be tracked at Accounting / Inventory / Manage Seed Orders . Once a Grower Order is established, all or part of the order can be transferred to another Field, Grower, or group of Growers. Update Grower Orders and Bookings without aff...
 Importing Electronic Delivery Notifications (EDNs)
EDNs may be used on both Seed and Crop Protection Products. EDNs can also be imported using the SKY Warehouse app. The EDN Import allows Electronic Delivery Notifications to be imported into Purchase Receipts. The benefit of importing EDNs is...
Seed Season Checklist
This checklist serves as a guide for using Supplier e-Link to enhance processes through the seed season. This includes various tools available in Supplier e-Link, but it is not mandatory to use each feature. Verify GPOS reporting from last se...
AgGateway Grower Point of Sale Export Process
Export and transmit a listing of all seed invoices and associated grower information. This functionality is only available with Bayer CropScience. At Accounting / Transfers / Export / AgGateway / XML select Export All Unexported Invoice Line It...
Purchase Order / Purchase Order Response Crop Protection
The Purchase Order Export allows retailers to send purchase orders to the supplier through web services. The Purchase Order Response import allows retailers to verify the purchase orders in their system match the purchase orders in the supplier’s sy...
Reconciling Long and Short Quantities
Before reconciling long and short quantities, vendors must have a web service established. Vendors currently available for a web service include Winfield, Bayer CropScience, Syngenta, and Dow/Corteva. Contact an SSI representative for information on...
Crop Protection Cost Sheet Import
The Cost Sheet Import allows the retailer's cost for crop protection products to be imported into a specific cost level. Go to Accounting / Transfers / Import / Electronic Price Sheet and change the drop-down to Cost .  Select a Location and...
Crop Protection User Guide
Supplier e-Link provides the ability to integrate with web services made available from chemical suppliers who have followed industry-driven standards and guidelines for this type of e-commerce communication. These web services make it easier to rep...
 Supplier eLink User Guide
Supplier e-Link provides the ability to integrate with web services made available from seed and chemical suppliers who have followed industry-driven standards and guidelines for this type of ecommerce communication. These web services make it easie...
Alternate GLN Setup
An alternate location GLN may be used when utilizing ‘Hub’ ordering for Crop Protection Products or when there is a conflict with GLNs between vendors. Setup To add alternate GLNs, open the B2B icon and navigate to  Setup / eBusiness . The Locatio...
Bayer Returns from Purchase Receipt
Submit electronic seed returns to Bayer from the Purchase Receipt area in Agvance. Note:  The quantity being returned cannot exceed the quantity on the Dealer Order. In B2B Go to Setup / Seed Orders . Select Bayer as the Vendor ....