SKY Dispatch


SKY Dispatch Fact Sheet
Easily assign and reorder jobs directly on applicator devices to see your pipeline of work in real-time.
Messaging - SKY Dispatch
The Messaging menu option provides a method of communication between the Dispatcher and Applicators or Drivers. Easily compose a new message by selecting Compose New Message , typing a message, and selecting Send . ...
Personalize - SKY Dispatch
The Personalize tab allows the option to filter and choose which Locations’ jobs are visible as well as choosing Applicators the user is responsible for tracking. General Use the Ellipsis to display Applicators , Delivery Drive...
Job Priority Setting - SKY Dispatch
Windows Agvance On a new Blend Ticket, choose the Priority Level from the drop-down menu on the Blend tab.  To edit a Blend Ticket’s priority, search for the Blend Ticket number in Agvance and choose Edit . Select Show ...
Sending Files to Applicators through Raven Slingshot
In order to set up Raven Slingshot, first go into Agvance Dispatch.  Select Setup on the Agronomy Work Order window. Select Setup on the Raven tab. Choose Add and enter the Access Key received from Raven along with the URL (htt...
View Only in SKY Dispatch
Users set to View Only for Dispatch in SKY Admin can view jobs in List View and Schedules view, change Layers, etc. However, this prevents things like assigning or unassigning jobs, updating ticket details, reassigning jobs, etc. Vie...