Updated Articles

  1. Premium / Discount Tables

    Similar to Shrink tables (which affect units), the Premium/Discount tables affect dollar values instead – either positively or negatively. In the Premium/Discount table, conditions are established to calculate whether a Commodity receives a pr...
  2. Grade Factors

    Grade Factors are used to identify attributes of the Commodity. They are used in the setup of Premium/Discount to affect the price transacted on a Commodity. Additionally, they are used to create Shrink and Dock Tables, which control quantity of t...
  3. Dock Tables

    Similar to Shrink Tables, Dock Tables affect the quantity of a Commodity being processed when its physical attribute requires dockage. Dock Tables are set up for a specific Grade Factor and Commodity combination. Common Dock Tables may be included f...
  4. Post FC/Late Fees - Memo Invoices

    Prior to using this utility, the Post FC/Late Fee Product must be selected at Energy / Setup / Preferences . This utility looks for open Memo Invoices on the Customer account. For any customer with Memo Invoices fitting the criteria entered, ...
  5. Reconciling an Equal Billing Account at End of Season

    At the end of the season, optionally reconcile Budget Billing accounts. This utility, found at Energy / Equal Bills / Reconcile, assists in transferring the balance out of Budget Billing and placing it on the Customer’s Accounts Receivab...
  6. Post Rent/Lease Invoices

    Posting Rent/Lease Invoices creates an Invoice on the customer’s Regular Accounts Receivable account using the product selected on the Rent/Lease tab of the tank. Post – This must be marked for an Invoice to be created for the T...
  7. Equal Billing Program

    Found at Equal Bills / Posting , this area is used to create a Budget Invoice for the tanks with the Equal Billing Info completed at File / Open / Tank Information on the Profile tab. Setup There are a few items needing a one-time setup pri...
  8. Commodity Setup

    Information for each type of Commodity being purchased, sold, and/or stored is entered here. This information is used throughout the Agvance Grain program as Scale Tickets are entered, commodities are received, and grain is shipped. Commodity specif...
  9. Update Budgets/Create Bookings

    Located in the Energy module under the Utilities menu, this utility calculates and updates new budget monthly payments for budget billing customers and creates unpaid Bookings for the total gallons expected to be used by each customer.  ...
  10. Update Equal Billing Info

    See here for information on updating Budget Billing Memo Invoices. This utility, found at Energy / Utilities / Update Equal Billing Info , was designed to simplify the task of updating the Equal Billing amounts on tanks. Multiple tanks may be ed...