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  1. Fringe Benefits

    Fringe Benefits might include personal use of a company vehicle or life insurance on an individual that the company pays. The objective is to bring the value of that benefit into the Gross Wage Total so that it is reflected on the employee’s W-2. ...
  2. Energy Preferences

    Navigate to Energy / Setup / Preferences . Tank Default Product – Double-click and select the fuel product to default when entering new tanks. Equal Billing Product – Select the default Budget Billing product for new tanks. Post FC/La...
  3. API 7.0.24590 | 12.12.2023

    FTM-3594 / GET Booking Additional Lookup Parameters – The Customer ID and Booking GUID parameters were added to the GET Booking request to allow for more detailed filtering of the results.
  4. Set Up Agronomy Dispatch

    The Dispatch module is designed to assist with the management of Delivery Tickets from the Accounting module, Blend Tickets from the Blending module, and/or Product Delivery Orders and Maintenance Work Orders from the Energy module that may need to ...
  5. ExamHand Interface User Document

    This interface is designed to export data in a format compatible with ExamHand auditing software that is used by several states’ warehouse examiners. As of early 2013, the following states’ auditors are using this software: CO, IL, IN, OH, MI, KS, K...
  6. Grower360 Banner Display

    The Banner Display can be set up at SKY Admin / Grower360 / Banner Display . Banners will be displayed in the order they are uploaded with the newest being first. Note: Edits will NOT affect the order of the banner. Editing an ex...
  7. API 7.0.25270 | 04.02.2024

    FTM-3613 / Update Product Pricing – A new internal API method has been added to give the ability to update Product prices using the saved formula on that Product. FTM-3704 / Tank Description and Status – The GET of LP Tank information now in...
  8. Using Crop Chemistry in Agvance

    Crop Chemistries may be set up and used on Agvance Blend Tickets to denote the ticket is a certain chemistry, allowing the Blend Ticket to be assigned to the correct sprayers. When a Crop Chemistry is selected, it displays on the ticket to help av...
  9. CNS Program Lists a Single Lien Multiple Times

    Q.  CNS program (Central Notification System) - I am seeing a lien for a farmer listed several times when it only needs to be listed once. Why is this duplicated? A.  The CNS sends out an update disk periodically. Along with the update disk they ...
  10. Planning Videos