Kentucky Motor Fuel

General information regarding Motor Fuel can be found here.

Modes of Transportation

  • J – Truck
  • R – Rail
  • B – Barge
  • S – Ship
  • PL – Pipeline
  • BA – Book Adjustment
  • ST – Stationary Transfer

State of Kentucky Setup

General Setup for Kentucky

Set up the default information at Motor Fuel / Setup / Setup Uniformity State Defaults.

Kentucky Motor Fuel Setup

Setup specific to the state of Kentucky can be found at Motor Fuel / Reports / Kentucky.

Company Licenses

Choose Company Licenses to enter the License Number for Gasoline and Special Fuel, choose the Type of tax ID and enter the Tax ID: FEIN/SSN, and enter the Terminal Code.

Customer Licenses

Choose Customer Licenses to open the Customer Licenses Setup window. Double-click the Customer Name header to select a Customer then enter the Customer License number.

Tax Rates Setup

Enter tax rate information for Gasoline and Special Fuel.

EDI Setup

Choose EDI Setup to establish information about the business that will be transferred along with the tax reports filed using EDI. The fields will default to information entered during the initial Agvance setup.

Schedule Types

Return Tax Type Schedule Type Description
Gasoline GD 1 Gallons received, tax paid
Gasoline GD 2 Gallons received from licensed Motor Fuel distributor, tax unpaid
Gasoline GD 2A Gallons received from terminals, origin tax unpaid
Gasoline GD 2B Gallons received, tax unpaid blendable stock
Gasoline GD 3 Gallons imported from another state, tax-free
Gasoline GD 5D Gallons sold, tax collected for import from
Gasoline GD 6 Gallons delivered to licensed Motor Fuel distributors, tax not collected
Gasoline GD 7 Gallons exported to the state of
Gasoline GD 8 Gallons delivered to the US Government, tax-exempt
Gasoline GD 10I Gallons delivered, tax-exempt for farming
Special Fuel SF 1 Gallons received, tax paid
Special Fuel SF 2 Gallons received from licensed Motor Fuel distributor, tax unpaid
Special Fuel SF 2A Gallons received from terminals, origin tax unpaid
Special Fuel SF 2B Gallons received, tax unpaid blendable stock
Special Fuel SF 3 Gallons imported from another state, tax-free
Special Fuel SF 5D Gallons sold, tax collected for import from
Special Fuel SF 6 Gallons delivered to licensed Motor Fuel distributors, tax not collected
Special Fuel SF 7 Gallons exported to the state of
Special Fuel SF 8 Gallons delivered tot he US Government, tax-exempt
Special Fuel SF 9 Gallons delivered to state and local government, tax-exempt
Special Fuel SF 10A Gallons sold for non-highway use
Special Fuel SF 10G Gallons delivered to non-profit religious, charitable, or educational organizations
Special Fuel SF 10I Gallons delivered, tax-exempt for farming
Special Fuel SF 10J Gallons delivered, tax-exempt for residential heating
Special Fuel SF 10Y Gallons delivered, tax-exempt to railroads
Terminal Operator TO 15A Total receipts net gallons
Terminal Operator TO 15B Total disbursements net gallons
Liquefied Petroleum Gas LP 5 Taxable gallons
Liquefied Petroleum Gas LP 10 Tax-exempt gallons
Transporter TR 14 Transporter's Delivery Schedule

Product Codes

Return Product Group Product Code Description
Gasoline GA 061 Natural Gasoline
Gasoline GA 065 Gasoline
Gasoline GA 071 Gasoline MTBE
Gasoline GA 092 Undefined Products (Transmix)
Gasoline GA 122 Blending Components
Gasoline GA 123 Alcohol
Gasoline GA 124 Gasohol
Gasoline GA 125 Aviation Gasoline
Gasoline GA 280 Marine Gas Oil
Gasoline GA E00 Ethanol (100%)
GasolineGA E01-E99 Percentage of Ethanol
GasolineGA M00 Methanol (100%)
GasolineGA M01-M99 Percentage of Methanol
Special Fuel SF 072 Kerosene - Dyed
Special Fuel SF 073 Low Sulfur Kerosene - Dyed
Special Fuel SF 074 High Sulfur Kerosene - Dyed
Special Fuel SF 090 Additive Miscellaneous (Blending)
Special Fuel SF 100 Transmix
Special Fuel SF 142 Kerosene - Undyed
Special Fuel SF 145 Low Sulfur Kerosene - Undyed
Special Fuel SF 147 High Sulfur Kerosene - Undyed
Special Fuel SF 150 No. 1 Fuel Oil - Undyed
Special Fuel SF 152 Heating Oil
Special Fuel SF 160 Diesel Fuel - Undyed
Special Fuel SF 161 Low Sulfur Diesel #1 - Undyed
Special Fuel SF 167 Low Sulfur Diesel #2 - Undyed
Special Fuel SF 224 Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
Special Fuel SF 225 Liquid Natural Gas (LNG)
Special Fuel SF 226 High Sulfur Diesel - Dyed
Special Fuel SF 227 Low Sulfur Diesel - Dyed
Special FuelSF228Diesel Fuel - Dyed
Special FuelSF231No. 1 Fuel Oil - Dyed
Special FuelSF279Marine Diesel Oil
Special FuelSF283#2 High Sulfur Diesel - Undyed
Special FuelSFB00Biodiesel - Undyed (100%)
Special FuelSFB01-B99Percentage of Biodiesel - Undyed
Special FuelSFD00Biodiesel - Dyed (100%)
Special FuelSFD01-D99Percentage of Biodiesel - Dyed
Liquefied Petroleum GasLP054Propane