Motor Fuel


Motor Fuel - General Information and Setup
Setup General Information The General Info area is used to define several fields used throughout the program based on the state in which the reports are filed. This area is used to set up the list of Schedules, Fuel Types, Origin...
Colorado Motor Fuel
Colorado is a uniformity state. FTA Uniformity specifies a Distributor’s Fuel Tax Report which serves as a summary of motor fuel receipts and disbursements and is used to calculate motor fuel tax that is due. This report must be substantiated with...
Kansas Motor Fuel
Kansas is a Uniformity State and must conform to the requirements set by the Uniformity States. Agvance Motor Fuel gives the ability to create reports and the EDI file to submit to the State of Kansas. General information regarding Motor Fuel can...
Michigan Motor Fuel
General Requirements Gasohol must be reported as the amount of ethanol in the blend, a separate Product and Product Code needs to be used for each Blend percentage. Example : E00 is 100% ethanol, E99 is 99% ethanol, etc. This is the same ca...
Minnesota Motor Fuel
Minnesota is not a Uniformity State, but some Minnesota customers also need the ability to report to a Uniformity State as well as the State of Minnesota. Agvance Motor Fuel for the State of Minnesota gives the ability to file and create reports f...
Montana Motor Fuel
Montana is a Uniformity State and must conform to the requirements set by the Uniformity States. Agvance Motor Fuel has been created so reports can be run. General information regarding Motor Fuel can be found here . Since the program must h...
Nebraska Motor Fuel New
Nebraska is a Uniformity Motor Fuel Tax state and requires that Motor Fuel Taxes be reported via EDI. General information regarding Motor Fuel can be found here . Assumptions Products will need to be set up as Motor Fuel Products before the ...
North Dakota Motor Fuel
North Dakota is a Uniformity State and must conform to the requirements set by the Uniformity States. Agvance Motor Fuel has been created so to file and create reports for the State of North Dakota. General information regarding Motor Fuel can be...
Oklahoma Motor Fuel
This article describes how Oklahoma Motor Fuel will be implemented in Agvance. Oklahoma Motor Fuel is available at Accounting / Motor Fuel / Reports . Oklahoma is a Uniformity State and must conform to the requirements set by the Uniformity St...
Oregon Motor Fuel
General information regarding Motor Fuel can be found here . Agvance makes the following assumptions as the documents are created in Agvance Motor Fuel: Reconciliation can only happen within the current fiscal year. Linking to a pr...
South Dakota Motor Fuel
South Dakota is a uniformity state. However, they do not have electronic filing and only the paper forms are created. Companies located in South Dakota that sell fuel only within the state do not need to file because Motor Fuel taxes are paid at t...
Wisconsin Motor Fuel
General information regarding Motor Fuel can be found  here . Supplier and Carrier returns for reporting Wisconsin Motor Fuel using XML files are available. The schedules available for Purchase Invoices are the WI1F, and WITR. The schedules...
Kentucky Motor Fuel
General information regarding Motor Fuel can be found here . Modes of Transportation J – Truck R – Rail B – Barge S – Ship PL – Pipeline BA – Book Adjustment ST – Stationary Transfer State of Kentucky ...