

Set Up Agronomy Dispatch
The Dispatch module is designed to assist with the management of Delivery Tickets from the Accounting module, Blend Tickets from the Blending module, and/or Product Delivery Orders and Maintenance Work Orders from the Energy module that may need to ...
Dispatch Jobs
Jobs Jobs are defined as Blend Tickets or Delivery Tickets. One ticket can create multiple jobs if the ticket is a multi-field Blend Ticket. Blend and Delivery Tickets show up in the Agronomy Work Orders window. The tickets displayed are filtere...
Dispatch Scheduling Information on Tickets
Entering Scheduling Information – Blending Module Scheduling information may be entered when creating a Blend Ticket. On the Blend  tab, use the Date Scheduled field, Time Scheduled field, and Priority  drop-down field to enter information th...
Dispatch Filter Functions
Column Name/Column Value Grid A grid is available for filtering on individual columns or multiple columns. The columns available for filtering are: Driver Tank Region Route Maint. Category To use any of the above listed filtering options, i...
Dispatch Mapping Options
Live Map Using Google Maps, the jobs in the grid are shown as well as the locations of the applicators. This map is refreshed at the interval specified in the Live Map Interval in the Dispatch Setup area. Map Extents Selecting Plot Selected ...
Dispatch Window Functions
Set Timer Optionally enter the number of minutes in the Refresh  field, and then choose Set Timer . This timer automatically triggers the grid refresh function. The value entered in this area is the number of minutes between each automatic refres...
Dispatch Grid Functions
Sort by Ascending/Descending Selecting the column heading in the Agronomy Work Orders grid allows sorting the rows in ascending order based on the column heading chosen. Selecting the heading a second time sorts in descending order. Change Ticke...
Dispatch Map Functions
Hover Over Job Hovering the mouse pointer over the job’s icon shows ticket detail. The detail in this window is determined by the selected columns the user has set on the grid window. Right-Click on Map Right-clicking on the map shows the map men...
Dispatch Notification Emails
Q.  How are Job Complete notification emails setup in Agvance Dispatch? A.  Agvance Dispatch has the ability to send a notification for completed Jobs to a customer’s contacts. This email contains the JobID, Customer, Field, Date, Time , and Ti...
Type of Work Classification Setup
Overview Type of Work Classifications may be setup and used in Agvance Dispatch. Setup Type of Work Classifications are inventory departments included in a classification, such as ‘Dispatch Type of Work’. To setup this classification, navigate to...