Product Cost Audit Report

When questions or concerns arise around Product Costs there are two different areas that can offer research assistance. The Product Cost Audit report, found at Accounting Reports / Inventory / Inventory Status and the Audit Costs button on the Pricing tab of the Product Information window, provide information on what caused changes in Costs. Both of these options retain six months of transaction history. At every fiscal month end, the old transactions are deleted from the report.

The Product Cost Audit Report 

Select which Product(s) to run the audit on and the appropriate date range. Keep in mind, the Product Cost Audit only retains six months worth of transaction history regardless of the date range entered. Check which cost(s) to audit. Optionally include Comments and $ Change, % Change, or Neg. Co. Owned Quantity.

Audit Costs

 Edit the Product in question and access the Audit Costs button on the Pricing tab.

Any changes to costs within the last six months will be displayed here.