
Preparing for Agvance CRM
Successfully implementing a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) program at your business is a process requiring planning and execution.  In the business world, a number of CRM implementations fail for a variety of reasons but often they lack mana...
CRM Manual
The Agvance CRM Module is designed as a business tool used to generate a complete Customer profile and to track activity of sales staff and others who communicate with Customers. In addition, the CRM module facilitates the electronic delivery of A...
CRM Fact Sheet
Advantages Manage Customer communications. Monitor Customer activity. Identify and segment Customer opportunities. Maximize each Customer’s sales potential. Save time and money with electronic delivery of transaction-related documents. Fea...
Emailing Invoices Exported to Agvance from Energy Force
The companies that export Invoices created in Energy Force to Agvance often have their customers set up for CRM so that their Invoices are emailed to the customers when generated in Agvance. The emails will only send out automatically without ad...
Email Payment Receipts with CRM
Email payment receipts to Customers through Agvance CRM by selecting the Email This option on the Payment on Account window. In Accounting, choose the Add a Payment on Account icon or go to Accounting / A/R / Payments and select Add . C...