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  1.  Add Purchase Invoice

    When the invoice for the product is received, enter the cost of the new product along with due dates and any discounts at Inventory / Purchase Invoicing . This function updates the Average and Last Costs of the product based on the pricing on this ...
  2. Ending the Month

    Transactions are posted into the fiscal month open at the time they are saved, regardless of the date associated with the transactions. Example: A company running their fiscal year January through December is currently in the third month (March)....
  3. Discount Program Setup

    Any number of Discount Programs can be established and maintained. Each one is set up independently with its own effective dates and list of eligible products. Because the discount is shown on the Invoice as a line item, a product must be establish...
  4.  Using Generic Prepay with Unpaid Product Bookings

                                                  Multiple Bookings may be added to a single Invoice, including...
  5. Supplier eLink Seed Supplier Information

    The following companies are suppliers for Supplier eLink. EPSI  - Electronic Price Sheet Import Electronic BO L - Electronic Bill of Lading (EDNs & ESNs) GPOS - Grower Point of Sale Reporting P.O. - Electronic Purchase Orders ...
  6. Additional Charges

    Extra Charge Line Items Agvance has flexible tax options that can be invoked at invoicing. These can be used for additional sales/local taxes, fertilizer, underground water, or any other tax that is calculated as a percentage of dollars charged, ...
  7.  SKY Analytics Overview

    SKY Analytics is a part of the Agvance SKY platform that brings Agvance data to life with visualizations, charts, and graphs for easier analysis. ...
  8. Create Grower360 Users

    As an Admin, create Grower360 Users and link them to Agvance customers, all from Agvance SKY.  In Customer, use the Search Customers… field to search for and select the desired Agvance customer. Select Relationships from the lef...
  9. Capturing Weight Using Scale Interface - 'Run-time error '8005'. Port already open'

    Q.  While trying to capture the weight using the Scale Interface, why does the following error message display?  Run-time error '8005'. Port already open A.  Check Device Manager for a serial mouse, which will look sim...
  10. Booking Product Substitution Utility

    Substitute products on unpaid Bookings at Accounting / Utilities / Booking Product Substitution . Note that products must be of like Units of Measure and there are limitations as to which types of Bookings can be updated. Only certain Bookings are...