Hub General


Benefits of Hosting Your Agvance in the Cloud
Our Agvance servers in the AWS environment give you access to Agvance programs and data using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).  As an additional benefit, using Agvance servers gives you access to Agvance SKY to access data from anywhere using an Inter...
Changing an Agvance Hosted Password
Occasionally, Agvance Hosted passwords will need changed or reset.  An Agvance Hosted user can accomplish this by following the steps below. While logged into the Agvance Hosted server, select CTRL + ALT + END on the keyboard. Select Change a ...
KwikTag Overview
KwikTag is a document imaging system that gives the ability to scan and electronically store various Agvance transactions and documents. Logging In To access KwikTag, in a web browser, enter the URL provided by KwikTag. This IP address all...
How to Find the Agvance SQL Server Version
Agvance 7.0 requires SQL Server 2014 or higher. Q.  How do I determine what SQL Server version Agvance is using? A. From within one of the core Agvance modules, select Help / About .  The SQL Server version controlling the Agvance d...
API Security
Agvance API Security is set up and maintained per Agvance user with access to the API. Setup In the Admin Utilities , for databases with an API Database ID established as well as valid connection information set up in the API, go to Hub / API Se...
Setting up AgvAgent for Email
Agvance Agent can be set up to enable emailing of tasks/reports. AgvAgent only works as a scheduled batch if full SQL is used. Without the full version of SQL, the scheduled batches will not run and emails will not be sent. User Email Addresses ...
Connecting a Mac System to an Agvance Hosted Server
On the Mac Computer, go to the App Store. Search for the Microsoft Remote Desktop app and select Get . Once the app has downloaded, the following window displays. Select the Plus and choose Add PC . Enter the server information and sel...
Instructions for Emailing via Bulk Email Service
Errors are occurring when sending documents using a company's existing mail service provider. To help address this situation as quickly as possible, SSI researched and tested a way to allow companies to use a bulk email service instead of their ex...
Agvance Report Agent User Document
Use Agvance Report Agent to run or email multiple reports/tasks at a scheduled time or on-demand with the click of a button. This Agvance Agent is helpful for large reports that run on a regular basis and some Accounting and Grain reports can be r...
Adding a Customer - Error: There is no row at Position 0.
Q.  When adding a new customer, an error message displays: Error: There is no row at position 0 . A.  On the Miscellaneous Info tab, double-click in the State Code box or the Adj Code box and choose Select .  It will give the error if the...
CRM Gap Analysis
The Customer Gap Analysis presents data in a Summary Style grid giving vision of both sales and purchases for selected customers. Using this data, companies can evaluate each customer’s Grain purchases and Accounts Receivable sales to identify misse...
Agvance Custom Report Export
Q.  Why does one Agvance report have different information than an Agvance Custom Export report? A.  Because of the complexity of this area, limited support is offered. A message displays indicating the information being exported is raw data reco...
Agvance Scheduled Task Requirements
Although not specifically designed to run unattended from a Windows Scheduled Task, some work has been done to allow certain features in Agvance to be run from a Windows Scheduled Task.  However, there are some limitations and requirements that MUST...
Agvance Report Agent Schedulable Events
Q.  Is there a list of reports that work with the Agvance Report Agent? A.  Load / Save Sets That Can Be Scheduled Using AgvAgent Hub      Transfer AgKnowlogy Export Utilities Edit Product Pricing/ Replicate Prices Transfer to Field His...
Contacting AbeTech
Q.  What is the contact information for AbeTech support? A.  When contacting AbeTech, the following information should be used. Service and Support: 763.428.1279 | 800.868.5838 | To Place an Order: 763.428.5937 | 866.22...
Voiding Delivery and Blend Tickets Before Updating Agvance
Q.  We have some open Delivery and Blend Tickets. Should we void them before updating to current code? A.  Any open (uninvoiced) tickets will convert without problem. As with any update, we do recommend you make a backup of the data before instal...
Required Product on Containers
Q.  I am trying to enter a transaction (Blend Ticket, Delivery Ticket, purchase documetrnt, Invoice), and I am getting a message that one of the products requires a container. I have checked all of my containers, and this product is not marked as r...
Using PDF Print Driver for Agvance Documents
To send documents (Invoice, Delivery/Blend Ticket, map, etc.) via email, download a PDF print driver (everal companies offer free PDF drivers). Once installed, select the PDF driver at the Print Document screen. These documents can be sent in a PD...
Remote Printing Using a Public IP Address
The steps below detail how to set up a printer in one location in such a way that users at a different location can print to the printer over the Internet using a public IP address. This is sometimes necessary when using a mobile device that needs t...
Wireless Signal Interference
Q.  What devices can interfere with a wireless networking signal? A.  Wireless networks operate through radio signals at a frequency of 2.4 gHz, so anything else that produces a signal on the same frequency can cause interference. Microwave ovens...
Dual Monitors - Advantage and Caveat
Overview Several Agvance modules are optimized with the use of dual monitors – Mapping and Dispatch for example. The advantage of dual monitors is that by dragging selected Agvance windows to the secondary monitor, there are now two unique views of...
Copy Roles/User Profiles
The Copy Roles/User Profiles utility allows the option to duplicate Roles and Users in datasets where they were not originally included. Copying Roles from the current year dataset will ensure that all the Users’ corresponding Roles will be availabl...
Agvance Move Databases Utility
When a new data server is purchased, all Agvance datasets must be moved to the new server. Most Agvance customers have several related datasets. The primary database is typically stored in \AVDATA on the SQL server. Additionally, there are generally...
Calendar Displays Incorrectly or Automation Error While Using Calendar in Agvance
Q.  The following error occurred while trying to use the drop-down calendar function in Agvance: ‘Error -2147319765 – Automation Error Element not Found’  Another symptom of this issue is the calendar displays the days of the week in the wron...
Batch Edit Customers
The Batch Edit Customers function in Admin Utilities is used to edit several areas of the Customer file without opening Customer files one at a time. Multiple Customers can be selected to edit at the same time. To access the utility, go to H...
Agvance Products With the Same EPA Numbers
Q.  Some Agvance products have the same EPA numbers. For example, Touchdown Total and Traxion show the same EPA numbers: Touchdown Total – 0000100-01169-AA-0000000 Traxion - 0000100-01169-ZA-0000000 A.  In this case, it has been confirmed w...
PrintBoss Setup
Use the following to set up PrintBoss software for check printing in Agvance. Note: For more information on PrintBoss, see the Check Printing Options document or contact SSI at 1-800-752-7912. Step 1 – Install PrintBoss The PrintB...
OKI Data Printer Setup
The following describes how to configure OkiData 320 Microline printers with USB connections to print Wide-3 format Agvance Grain Scale Interface Scale Tickets. This article can also be used as a general guide for setting up these printers for other...
Specifications for Dual Monitor Setup for Dispatch
Q.  What are the hardware specifications for purchasing dual monitor setups to be used with the Dispatch module? A.   Monitor/Video Card Resolution Minimum: 1024 x 768 Recommended: 1280 x 1024 or higher Video Card Memory Minimum: 128MB ...
Terminal Services - Disconnect vs. Logoff
Q.  What is the difference between disconnecting and logging off a Terminal Services, Citrix, or Remote Desktop session? Does it matter which way a session is closed? A.  It is important to understand that when working in a remote session, the se...
Terminal Services and Roaming Profiles
Q.  Can roaming profiles be used to keep profiles uniform across all terminal servers in the server farm? Are there any restrictions on the use of roaming profiles? A.  Terminal Services Roaming Profiles are almost a necessity with a server farm....
Definition of Server Path
In the past, Agvance used a naming convention that included the server name in the path to the data (e.g. \server\drvc\data\avdata\agvance.mdf). However, this caused issues when network problems caused delays in resolving the server's name, causing ...
Windows Installer Internal Error 2755
Q.  Windows Installer Internal Error 2755 occurred while installing Agvance. How can this be resolved? A.  This error only happens when trying to install on Terminal Services using a remote connection. It is caused by a bug in Windows Installer/T...
Clear Browser Cache
When a web-based application gets an update, best practice is to clear the browser's cache. Below are instructions on how to clear browser cache on Google Chrome. With Google Chrome open, press F12 on the keyboard. The Developer Tools...
Message Regarding Analysis Line Item Saved Below a Non-Analysis Line Item
Q.  While saving a Blend Ticket I received the message: 'You have an analysis line item listed below a non-analysis line item. You cannot save a Blend Ticket ordered in this manner.' How can I fix this issue? A.  In Agvan...
Seed Blending with form-U-net
Q.  Can form-U-net be setup to blend seed or other non-fertilizer items? A.  Seed blending can be completed using custom columns in a Material Group. For example, a lawn and garden supplier wants to create different seed blends using bluegrass, K...
Incorrect Blend Results in form-U-net
Q.  When requesting a liquid blend in form-U-net, the products and quantities reported in the Mix Results grid do not calculate to the grade requested. In addition, the Formulation Results show a dollar quantity in the  Other category that sho...
Exporting Boundary Files
Field boundaries can be exported as Shapefiles from Agvance Mapping. This can be completed at the Grower, Farm, or Field levels in the resource tree. Right-click the desired level in the resource tree, hover over Export , then select Export S...
Layer Export
In Agvance Mapping, layers are exported in Shapefile format. A Shapefile is a universal GIS file used in many other agricultural GIS software packages. They are easily distributed to others or to SSI support personnel. This is done by right clicking...
Formulation Results in form-U-net Are Incorrect
When running a formulation, the results are incorrect.  This may happen if the settings in Material Group / Edit Selected Material Group have been incorrectly edited. Follow the steps below to verify the settings. Edit Data Verify the Product...
Install ARS Yield Editor
The ARS Yield Editor is an application used to filter yield data and clean up yield maps. To utilize this tool, it can be downloaded and installed from the following link: ...
Stop Additives from Diluting Mix in form-U-net
Q.  When an additive is used on 46% Urea, the blend shows an analysis of 45% Nitrogen. How can form-U-net be setup so the additive does not impact the fertilizer analysis? A.  In this case, adding any non-analysis item’s weight to an item that is...
Using Efficiency Factors with form-U-net
Q.  A chelated micronutrient claims to have a 4:1 efficiency factor. How can a per acre request for 1 lb of nutrient factor in the efficiency for the result? A.  This scenario can be handled by an adjustment to the Item Information .  Note: O...
form-U-net Is Using the Wrong Item
Q.  AMS (21-0-0-24S) was added to the Material Group, but why is the blend using AMS instead of Urea for the Nitrogen  source? A.  Least cost formulation is used in form-U-net when calculating items to use in fulfilling the nutrients requested. ...
Managing Item Units in form-U-net
Q.  On the Formulation  page, a chemical needs specified as Qts/ac, however, it needs to print in Gallons on the Mix Sheet. How should this be setup? A.  The units displayed on the Formulation  window are the Request Units  setup on the Items...
Managing Temporary Stock Shortages in form-U-net
Q.  Is there a way to temporarily stop an item from being used in blends in form-U-net? For example, occasionally, a fertilizer item is out of stock and, therefore, should not be included in a blend.  A.  There are multiple ways in form-U-net to ...
form-U-net Mixing Sheet Won't Preview Normally
Q.  When attempting to print a form-U-net Mixing Sheet, a save window opens instead of automatically previewing the report. How is the Mixing Sheet previewed? A.  The form-U-net program automatically saves up to 101 Mixing Sheets in the Download...
Stored Formulas in form-U-net
Q.  s there a way to create and remember blends so they don’t have to be entered from scratch each time? A.  To remember blends in form-U-net, one new Material Group per stored formula needs to be added.  An example of creating a dry blend grade...
Chrome Default Opening of form-U-net Documents
Q.  How can Chrome be set as the default browser to open form-U-net documents directly instead of using Adobe Acrobat Reader? A.  The Chrome browser may be setup as the default to open form-U-net documents using the Plug-ins in Chrome. To view th...
COPAK Op Till Pro - Setting Up Manufactured Products
Sometimes a product is received and sold as a COPAK. In this example, one COPAK covers 20 acres. One COPAK (OpTill Pro) contains 200 ounces of Outlook and 40 ounces of OpTill. The following shows how to set this up in Agvance. OpTill Pro will b...
Calculate Prices Utility in form-U-net
The  Calculate Prices utility is used to establish different price levels in form-U-net. It may be used to offer discounts or markups on  Item Types , such as Fertilizers, Chemicals, etc. This utility calculates the prices for all products in the s...
Rules for Use of DANGEROUS Placard Hazardous Material Shipping Order
The following describes what determines if the DANGEROUS notation is printed versus other notations on the Hazardous Material Shipping Order. Rules have been incorporated to allow the use of the DANGEROUS notation for DOT hazardous materials on shi...
Mixed Item Results Display
Q.  As a form-U-net user with a liquid group set to Volumetric and the Mixer Units set to Gallons on the  Material Groups / Edit Selected Material Group / Edit Information window, the item quantities in the Mixed Item Results and Non-Mixe...
Agvance Dispatch Integration with DriftWatch
Q.  How does Agvance Dispatch integrate with DriftWatch?  A.  DriftWatch is an open source tool, created by FieldWatch, used to track and communicate sensitive areas, such as specialty crops, vegetable crops, or beehives. This tool allows reporte...
form-U-net Bagged Fertilizer Blending
Q.  How is form-U-net used to create bagged fertilizer blends? A.  To create bagged fertilizer blends in form-U-net, add an item for the empty bags in the appropriate size by navigating to Item Information / Add New Item . In this example, the ...
Using 'Nutrient From' in form-U-net
Q.  When requesting a blend, how can a specific product amount be requested regardless of Least Cost Formulation or additional nutrient contributors supplied by the product that are not requested? A.  The Nutrient From  feature in form-U-net can...
Documents Do Not Print in form-U-net
Q.  Why are d ocuments not displaying when selected to view or print in form-U-net?   A.   This may be a browser issue concerning the browser pop-up blocker settings. Follow the instructions below for Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, or ...
Quoted Prices Don't Appear When Importing Plan Into a Blend Ticket
There are two ways to import a Field Plan into a Blend Ticket. Option 1 is the only way to bring across quoted prices from the Field Plan into the Blend Ticket. Option 1 Use the Plan  drop-down menu to view all the Field Plans available for this...
ScoutPro Integration
ScoutPro is an iPad app used by field scouts to help identify pests with a library of pictures for weeds, insects, disorders, and diseases. The information entered by the scout denotes the pest and its location on a map. The integration with Ag...
Unable to Access Imagery for Geocoding and Dispatch
Q.  An error occurred while receiving the HTTP response to One of the following error messages displayed. A.  The inability to access imagery is because JavaScript is turned off. Ja...
Single User Defined Nutrient per Location
Set up the User Defined Nutrient at  Hub / Setup / Location Preferences . This allows each Location to have a single unique nutrient defined. For example, one Location may need Mo (Molybdenum), while a second Location needs Cl (Chlorine), and the th...
State Fertilizer Tag Setup for Non-Plant Food Ingredients
The following Agvance settings are required for a retail facility carrying products with non-plant food ingredients in which there are specific regulations for State Fertilizer Tags. Many states require non-plant food guarantees be displayed ou...
Centralized Blending Transfers
Agvance Blending for Centralized Blending can be used when one company with a blend facility is blending for another company that does not have a blend facility. There are several steps to properly set up Agvance to utilize the Centralized Blen...
Blend Ticket On Hold Status for Dispatch
Q.  When adding and saving new Blend Tickets in Agvance Blending, they immediately display in the Dispatch Agronomy Work Orders window. However, there are times when the Blend Ticket needs to be created but does not need to be added to the list o...
Price Blends by the Pound in form-U-net
Q.  How is form-U-net set up to display blend prices by the pound without changing how the items’ units are set up?  A.  To display blend prices in pounds, navigate to Material Groups / Edit Selected Material Groups / Edit Information , and set ...
Liquid Fertilizer Carrier in Chemical Blend Tickets
Carrier products, with the exception of water, can be adjusted to total gallons per acre while keeping the other products static. When the Product Set Type is set to Liquid , Suspension , or Other on the Add or Edit a Product Blend Set wi...
Ranco / Agvance Interface for Agvance Blending
The Ranco™/Agvance interface may be set up and used with the Agvance Blending module. Setup The following setup instructions should be completed before using the Ranco™/Agvance interface. Navigate to Blending / Setup / Produ...
Exporting form-U-net Formulations to Agvance
Formulations created in form-U-net may be exported to Agvance Blending after setup is complete. Setup Agvance API Setup The first step is the Agvance API setup found in form-U-net on the Settings / Agvance API tab.  Agvance API URL – Ente...