Check Up on Your Checkups

Checkup reports, when run on a regular basis, are useful tools in helping to ensure accounts are in balance.  Checkup reports can be run at Accounting / Accounting Reports / Red Cross icon. From the Checkup screen any or all of the following Checkups can be run, G/L Accounts, Customer, Vendor, Inventory, or Budget.  

Best practice is all other users should exit Agvance while the Checkup(s) is running to ensure the accuracy of the report.  We suggest that a minimum of the G/L Accounts Checkup be run daily and all of the Checkups be run on a weekly basis. 

If any Checkup(s) show out of balances, save a copy of the report to PDF or print the report(s) and submit a ticket to SSI Support.  Out of balances may show up in the top portion of the Checkup called the Key Account Quick Check. In this section the out of balance will show as dollar figures to the right of the account totals.  Differences may also appear in the detailed sections of the Checkup report.

The Checkup that is out of balance, and the section of the Checkup in which the out of balance appears, will determine what additional reports may be needed to aid in resolving the out of balance. Below is a list of Checkup reports and the most commonly required additional reports to include when submitting a ticket to SSI Support.

Note: Even if not addressing the out of balance at the time, best practice is to save a copy of the Checkup reports for future resolution.  When ready to address the out of balances, run the Checkups again and submit both copies of the reports to Support.


  • If a Customer(s) appears in the Open Item Balance section, Regular Balance Forward section, or Prepay Balance section,  run the summarized Balance Forward statement using the same Fiscal Month range that was used on the Checkup and the Open Item statement for that Customer(s). 
  • If a  Customer(s) appears in the Booking Detail (Prepay Balance) section of the Checkup, it is possible that the out of balance may be remedied by using the Reconcile Customer Prepay utility found at Hub / Utilities / Admin Utilities / Accounting / AR Utilities / Reconcile Customer Prepay
    Note: Prior to using the the Reconcile Customer Prepay utility, the Customer's account should be thoroughly researched to identify what has been billed and what Product requires reconciling.  Recommendation is to contact Support for assistance in running this utility.

Key Account Quick Check on the Customer Checkup

  • If there is an out of balance between the Overall A/R Balance and the G/L Receivables and there are no Customers showing out of balance in the other sections, this could mean there is a problem with a General Ledger entry.  In this situation, the General Journal Listing report in Accounting Reports / General Ledger / G/L Reports will need to be run two ways.
    •   First, in the Dollar Amount, enter the amount of the out of balance, and Preview.  If there are any results, please include a copy of the report when submitting a ticket to SSI Support.
    • Second, run the report with the Dollar Amount set to All, the G/L Account set to the Accounts Receivable G/L Account showing out of balance on the Checkup, and the Customer A/R checkbox, unchecked. If there are any results, please include a copy of the report when submitting a ticket to SSI Support.


  • If a Vendor is listed in the Unpaid Bill Balance section, the Regular Balance section or the Prepay Balance section:
    • Run the Vendor Detail report for the same Fiscal Month range as is on the Checkup 
    • Run the Unpaid Bill List for that Vendor.  On the Unpaid Bill List make sure that the “Date to include bills on or before” is set far enough in the future to include all the open bills for the vendor.  
      Note: To shorten this report uncheck the boxes to include the Cash Need Analysis and the G/L Recap.
  • Include a copy of the reports when submitting a ticket to SSI Support.

Key Account Quick Check on the Vendor Checkup

  • If there is an out of balance between the Overall A/P Balance and the G/L Payables and there are no Vendors showing out of balance in the other sections, this could mean there is a problem with a General Ledger entry. In this situation, the General journal Listing report in Accounting Reports / General Ledger / G/L Reports will need to be run two ways.
    • First, in the Dollar Amount, enter the amount of the out of balance, and Preview .  
      • Please save a copy of the report if there are any results.  
    • Second, run the report with the Dollar Amount set to All, the G/L Account set to the Accounts Payable G/L Account showing out of balance on the Checkup, and the Vendor A/P checkbox, unchecked.
      • Please save a copy of the report if there are any results.  


  • If a Product is out of balance, determine what the balance should be and Support will advise on the necessary adjustments.

Budget Billing

  • Determine what the correct balance for Budget Billing should be.
  • If a Customer(s) is listed in the Customer Activity section:
    • Research the Customer(s) account looking for activity that was intended to be Budget, but is appearing on the Regular account.
      • For example: An Invoice for a Budget delivery is appearing as an open Invoice on the Regular account.
    • Determine if a User transferred Budget to Regular and applied the credit to open Invoices.
  • Run a Budget Statement for the Customer(s) out of balance and include a copy of the statement when submitting a ticket to SSI Support.

Other Options

Out of balances in other sections of the Checkup reports may require different reports than those referenced.  Our SSI Support Staff can help determine any other information that is needed.  If a General Ledger Account, Customer, Vendor, or Product is out of balance it is helpful to have an idea of what the correct balance should be.  This will contribute greatly to deciding what course of action should be taken to resolve the situation.

Running the Checkup Reports are a very easy way to “check up” on the data. Do not hesitate to contact the SSI Support Staff with any questions related to the Accounting checkups.