New Articles

  1. Write Down of Patronage Equity

    Use the following approach for equity write down to take the value from the appropriate certificates as well as give the patron notification. If taking various values from several certificates, this process may need to be done several times.  Setup...
  2. Voiding / Reversing Vendor Disbursements

    There are 4 separate scenarios of voiding/reversing vendor disbursements. When the bill is correct and the disbursement exists in the current Agvance data When the bill is correct and the disbursement does not exist in current Agvance data Whe...
  3. Sales

    Sales Tax on Sales Register and Sales Tax Summary The Total Sales Tax from the Sales Register report is a calculated total of all of the sales tax listed on the report. The Taxes  collected from the Sales Tax Summary report is the sum of the ...
  4. Tonnage Tax

    The Tonnage Tax method is the original method available in Agvance for reporting tonnage taxes and requires the Products that appear on the report be set up by selecting Setup on the report criteria screen at Accounting Reports / Accounts Receiva...
  5. Seed Discount and Rebate Management

    Maintaining correct costs on seed product can be a challenge because of discounts and rebates offered by seed vendors. See three methods of handling these rebates and discounts to keep the product costs as accurate as possible throughout the season....
  6. FUTA and SUTA

    For the Federal Unemployment Tax Rate (FUTA), in Accounting go to Setup / Payroll Tax Tables . At the Select a Payroll Tax Table screen click on the FICA / Medicare button. Fill in the FUTA Tax Rate box with the correct rate. Enter the rate o...
  7. Sales and Credits of Restricted Use Pesticide Report

    The Product Rebate report can be filtered to only show restricted use products.  At Accounting Reports / Accounts Receivable / Sales / Product Rebate , select the Show Detail checkbox Select the date, invoice, or fiscal range for the report...
  8. Sales Analysis Run By Salesperson

    From the Reports module select   Accounting Reports / A/R / Sales.   Select the Sales Analysis report. At the report main window, choose Filter. In the Salesperson  box, select the ID  of the salesperson for whom you wish to report. ...
  9. Using Generic Prepay Automatically at Invoicing

    A Booking may be entered for a lump sum of money and be specified as a Generic Booking. This allows the prepay money to be automatically used on an Invoice depending on how the Generic Prepay Booking type is set up. The first step is to set u...
  10. Checkups