Sales Order Discount and Pricing Capabilities

Agvance users selling seed need to present a detailed pricing document to customers at the time of the order showing the Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) and the qualified discounts. The customer also needs to see the final net price for each product ordered and the average net price for each crop on the order.

Users need to connect discounts to products so when products are chosen, Agvance knows which products receive the selected discounts. Quantities from other transactions should not affect these discounts. Also, the user often needs to override the discount rates.

These features are available on the sales order in the Planning and in Mobile Sales modules.

Discount Setup

Discounts are established for the type of product being sold and associated with a group of products that qualify for the discount by setting a product classification. Discounts are setup in the Planning module under Setup / Sales Order Discounts.

  • Description – Used to identify the discounts.
  • Discount Type – Can be applied as percentage of dollars or unit dollars based on quantity.
  • Default Discount Amount – Key in as a whole number. Example, key in 6 to indicate 6%.
  • Classification – Discounts will only be applied to products tied to the selected classification.

Applying Discounts

  • On the sales order, the user defines the starting price for the products. The price loads with the customer’s default pricing for the selected items, but can be changed if necessary.
  • The discounts applicable to the order are selected. Discounts selected will apply only to the line items whose products are included in the product classification pertaining to that discount.
  • The discounts are specific to groups of products, not individual products.  If a discount rate is changed, the change applies to all products on the order with the product classification.
  • AR payment terms for the cash discount can be selected. The ellipses button allows the discounts to be viewed before saving the order. Cash discounts will be calculated after volume discounts are subtracted.
  • The user can preview the net price per unit for each product and the net price per crop before saving the transaction.
  • The price and extension in the grid is the MSRP price before discount.

Sales Order Document

  • The discounts print below the product line items and above the amount due.
  • The unit price and extensions for the product line items on the document are the prices prior to applying any discounts.
  • A subtotal is shown of all line items before any discounts, and then the discounts are subtracted to calculate the final amount due.
  • Printing options are available to print an additional page showing the net price and extension for each product or additional page showing the net price per crop. The net price per crop is the average net price of all products on the order for the same crop. The crop comes from the product’s Seed/Lots tab.

Importing into other transactions

  • When the sales order is imported into a booking or delivery ticket, the discounts are netted into the unit price. For example, if the first line item on the sales order is $25 / unit, with a $1.50 / unit discount, the price on the booking shows as $23.50. 
  • Cash discounts are handled as follows:
    • If the order is paid, the date paid and check number can be entered on the order transaction. 
    • When importing into a booking or delivery ticket, the cash discount and volume discounts are netted into the unit price of each line item.
    • If there is no payment date, the terms code imports into the other transaction. 
  • The volume discount information gets netted into the unit price.
  • Expired sales orders show in red at the import sales orders screen.

Managing Orders

  • Expiration dates can be set on sales orders.
  • A utility was created to delete sales orders. The orders can be deleted based on order date, expiration date, processed status, customers, fields, order types, location, or approved status.
  • Orders are not automatically deleted at fiscal year end.