Posting Invoices


 Add Invoice
                          The same invoicing function is used whether importing tickets (Delivery, Blend, or Energy) or invoicing directly. The method by which the Invoicing screen is reached may vary. After selecting the Inv...
Extra Charges Updated
Agvance has flexible tax options that can be applied on Invoices and Bookings. These can be used for additional sales/local taxes, fertilizer, underground water, or any other tax that is calculated as a percentage of dollars charged, the percentag...
 Invoicing Methods
Invoices are automatically sequentially numbered. When there are multiple retail locations, the Invoice numbering scheme is separate for each location. The counter for each location’s Invoice is displayed at Setup / Locations on the Preferences ...
Prepay Options at Invoicing
Prepay money may be used at invoicing in a variety of ways, depending on the situation. Prepaid Specific Product Enough Left to Cover In this case, when the items are brought into the Invoice, the items that are prepaid display with Paid in t...
Point of Sale Warnings
A POS (Point of Sale) warning is used to display a message as a point of sale transaction is saved. POS Warnings are triggered by a combination of Customer and/or Product Classifications. They can be set up to warn or stop a transaction and can op...
Batch Print Invoices
Easily reprint a group of Customer Invoices without having to select each Invoice manually at A/R / Batch Print Invoices . Use the filters and sorting options to help define the specific Invoices to print. ...
 Void or Reverse an Invoice
Void an Invoice               Invoices saved in the current fiscal month may be voided from A/R / Invoices by selecting the Invoice and then choosing Void . If an Invoice was saved in a prior fiscal month, the vo...
Recurring Invoices
When a group of Customers are billed repeatedly for the same type of Product or service, a recurring Invoice may be added to increase the efficiency of entering those repetitive Invoices. Recurring Invoices are set up at Setup / A/R / Recurring I...
Finance Charges
Finance Charges, although calculated automatically, may be monitored very closely as they post. Because this function generates an Invoice, a Product must be in the inventory for this purpose (generally called Finance Charge). Open Finance Charge...
Pricing Hierarchy when Invoicing
The following steps outline the process Agvance follows to determine the pricing hierarchy when invoicing. Booking Agvance first looks to the price entered on a Booking. When product is booked, the price on the Booking is honored. Delivery Ti...
Product Roll-up Kits
Product Rollup Kits are designed for those who apply various treatments to bulk seeds. Using this feature allows the seed product and the Rollup Kit, which contains the treatment Products, to be entered on a transaction. When the document is printed...
Roll-up Invoice Printout
Print Method on Invoice Various invoice roll-up print methods are available on the invoice itself before the document has been saved. There is a Print Method drop-down menu with the following selections:  No Roll up – Print the invoice...
Invoice from Tickets Process
Import information from loaded Delivery or Blend Tickets into an Invoice. Navigate to Accounting / A/R / Invoice and select Add or choose the Add an Invoice icon at the top of the Accounting module. On the Select Customer(s) or Field for I...
Incorrect Nutrient Labels Print on Invoice Priced by Analysis
If pricing an Invoice by guaranteed analysis and the analysis line item has nutrient labels that seem to be jumbled or are incorrect (e.g., ##-##-##-##gZ-##nF), this can be caused by an unnecessary space in the Soil Test Heading field, which is us...
Overall Balance on Invoice
Setup On the Invoice Printout tab at Accounting / Setup / Location Preferences , select the Print Overall Balance option and choose Save . When the option is selected, the customer's Overall Balance at the time the...
Reordering Products on an Invoice
When creating an Invoice, the products may be reordered for printing or roll ups. On the Add Invoice window, right-click a product in the Product Name  column and choose  Reorder Products . The ReOrder Product Line Items window displays....
Farm Plan Invoice Chargeback
When a customer puts a bill on the Farm Plan account, the merchant pays the Invoice with a Farm Plan type payment which moves the A/R off the merchant's books and onto John Deere's. Depending on the merchant's contract with John Deere, if the custom...