Updated Articles

  1. Accounting FAQs

    Q.  When attempting to export sales data at Accounting / Transfers / Export / Grower Sales Text File , the following error occurs: Error: 'count' must be non-negative. Parameter name: count . Agvance then shuts down. The data inclu...
  2. End of Periods Misc

    These end of period functions are extremely important. Care should be taken that all checklists provided are followed. Daily The Agvance data represents the financial records of the business as well as many hours of data entry time. Here are s...
  3. Correct Vendor Prepay Balance across Fiscal Year End

    Current and prior year vendor prepay balances can be corrected in prior and current datasets as long as the current year dataset is still in fiscal month 1. Log into the current year and add a prepay A/P bill for the vendor whose balance is wrong...
  4. End of Year FAQs

    Q: Should I delete products / customers / vendors before or after ending the year? A: If you are not paying Patronage, they may be deleted after ending the year. This allows the old data to retain these data elements in case they need to be ref...
  5. Agvance Grain Scale Interface Setup for the Ethernet Connection to Perten AM 5200-A Moisture Tester

    The Perten AM 5200-A Moisture Tester communicates with the Scale Ticket Interface through an ethernet connection. The Scale Interface receives moisture and test weight values from the Perten AM 5200-A Moisture Tester to import into the Scale Ticke...
  6. External Data Sources and Analytics

    Spreadsheets or other documents can be used as a data source within Analytics to build reports/dashboards. Data from the spreadsheet will need to be blended with data from Agvance. External Data Source To use an external data source (like Excel)...
  7. May 2024

    Sales Order Form Has a New Look!  | SKY First and Customer Needs Drive Product Roadmap  | Register for the SSI Customer Conference! | ACH Payment Processing in Grower360  | Analytics Authoring Embedded  | Accounts Payable Educa...
  8. Profit Margin Departments

    Profit Margin Departments force preset sales margins by saving a calculated cost when invoicing rather than the cost found at the Product level. Profit Margin Departments are typically used for non-inventoried Products (like parts) which are not pra...
  9. Transfer to Field History

    The posting of product application to Field History is a user-initiated function. This may be done for all fields or for a specific field.                           ...
  10. Purchase Order Detail Report

    The Purchase Order Detail Received and Purchase Order Detail Processed reports accessible at Accounting Reports / Inventory / Purchase are valuable tools in reconciling Purchase Orders with Vendor Statements.  An explanation of the differen...