Dealer Orders

The Dealer Order functionality is available for vendors set up with seed ordering connectivity. Access to Dealer Order information is based on individual user settings.

  1. Go to Accounting / Inventory / Manage Seed Orders / Dealer Orders. Choose the Vendor and Location from the drop-downs and select Request. A listing of all Dealer Orders for locations available to the user are displayed. 
  2. Select the vendor by location and choose Edit. This initiates communication with the vendor and pulls in all order information currently in their system. 
    • The Agvance Grower Order Total reflects the total for all Grower Orders within Agvance for a specific product. 
    • Qty on Dealer Order reflects the total of all orders placed with the vendor.
    • The Long/Short quantity reflects the difference between the Grower Orders and Dealer Orders. 
    • Uncommitted quantities reflect any orders from the My Dealer Bucket, which is a placeholder for potential Grower Orders. 
    • Select Show on any line item to display additional detail for the product. 
  3. There are multiple options at the bottom of the Dealer Orders window: 
    • Select Refresh to refresh the product quantities for the selected Dealer Order. 
    • Check Availability sends a product availability request for products tagged in the Select column. Availability will populate in the Amt Available column. 
    • Entering a quantity in the Requested Qty column and choosing Add Order sends an order request to the supplier. If product is in a short position, this should only be used for the Bayer supplier. 
    • Choosing Edit Order sends an existing Order request to the supplier.
    • Select Reconcile to adjust selected orders based on short or long positions. 
    • Choosing Change Log displays an informational report of all changes which occurred for the Dealer Order throughout the season.