Vendor Setup

For the Full Accounting edition, Vendors with balances as of the online date are the most important to enter. However, it is strongly recommended to enter any Vendor who has paid any kind of disbursement. Add Vendors by going to File / Open / Vendors and selecting Add.

Additional information for setting up ACH Vendors can be found here.

Favorite Vendors can be specified at Hub / Setup / Favorite Vendors. Favorites are saved per user and are available at Add/Edit Vendor and Select a Vendor windows.


Enter any payee that is more than an occasional Vendor. It is advised to have one Vendor called Miscellaneous to use at the Quick Check screen for incidental checks.

The Arrow icons at the bottom of the screen allow paging forward and backward within the Vendor file. The icon to the far right goes to the last record in the Vendor list. The icon to the far left goes to the first record in the Vendor list.

  • Vendor ID – Assign an ID up to 10 characters long. This is often a portion of the Vendor Name but must be unique. Most characters are allowed in the Vendor ID except the apostrophe and space.
  • Location – If there are multiple Locations, indicate the one associated with this Vendor. Often when there are multiple Locations, only the main Location has Vendors.
  • Our Account # – The account number from the Vendor may optionally be entered. Once entered, it prints on checks.
  • Vendor Name – Enter the Vendor Name as it should appear on checks written to the Vendor. The apostrophe (') is allowed in the Vendor Name but is not allowed in any other input field such as Addresses or Notes.
  • Address 1/Address 2 – If the address is only one line, enter it in Address 2. Address 1 could be used for a Care of line if needed.
  • City/State/Zip – Enter the City, State, and Zip Code as it should appear on checks written to this Vendor.
  • Phone # 1/Phone # 2/Fax # – These are all optional fields. They display on the Avery 5385 report found at Reports / A/P / Vendor / Labels.
  • Home Page, Email, Notes – These are all optional.
  • Inactive – Mark Vendors no longer used as Inactive. This keeps them from appearing automatically in lists.
  • Country – If a country is indicated, it prints on checks and labels as part of the address.
  • Quotes icon – The Vendor’s Product Quotes may be recorded.
  • Terms Code – Optionally select from the Payment Terms defined at Hub / Setup / Payment Terms. Graduated Payment Terms used for A/P are limited to five levels.
  • Classifications – These Classifications may be used to aid in filtering when selecting Vendors and as a selection tool for the Reports module when selecting Save Set. The number of Vendor Classifications that may be established is unlimited.
  • Attachments – Computer files may be added as attachments like a contract with a Vendor. The contract could be scanned into the computer and then attached to the Vendor file. Attachment names are validated to prevent invalid characters.
  • Attributes – Attributes can be set for the Vendors. The Attributes can optionally display at the Select a Vendor screen. For instance, an Attribute might be established for the Vendor account number. Then the account number would be able to display at the Select a Vendor screen, which could be beneficial when the company has multiple accounts with Vendors.
  • Vendor Cross References – There are four optional inputs that can help identify this Vendor in other computer systems or numbering schemes. The headings for these miscellaneous inputs are defined at Setup / Preferences on the A/P tab.


The balances on this screen are automatically updated as transactions are entered. The Current Balances on the left are updated after each Purchase Invoice, A/P Bill, or Payment related to this Vendor. The numbers on the right are updated as the fiscal month is ended.

  • Regular Balance – This is the Vendor's current balance. It should be equal to unpaid Invoices for this Vendor.
  • Prepay Balance – This number is a credit balance but displays as a positive number.
  • Beginning Year – The Regular and Pre-Pay balances for the Vendor at the beginning of the fiscal year are saved here.
  • End of Month Balances – As the fiscal months are ended, the Vendor balances are saved in that month's entry. These amounts are used for Beginning Balances as reports are run from one fiscal month to another.

1099/Payment Info

  • 1099 Type – If this Vendor is a 1099 candidate, select the correct 1099 type (Misc, Interest, Rent, Patronage, Dividend, Gross, NEC) and enter the Federal Tax ID # to print on the 1099. If a Vendor would qualify for more than one 1099 type, they must be entered as a separate Vendor for each 1099 type. Then the correct Vendor must be selected when entering bills or writing checks. If the Vendor is not a 1099 candidate, leave it set to None.
  • Default Expense Account ID – Optionally enter the expense account most likely used with this Vendor. When adding A/P Bills from this Vendor, this expense account defaults automatically but may be changed if necessary.
    Note: If the Vendor supplies inventory for resale, the payable is brought into the system through purchasing and the expense accounts are determined by the department of the items being purchased (therefore this default expense account is unused for inventory purchases).
  • Federal Tax ID # – This is only necessary for 1099 candidates. If an individual, enter the Vendor's social security number. If a business, enter the Federal Tax ID. This information is necessary for the 1099 form.
  • 1099 Paid YTD – This is accumulated throughout the calendar year for 1099s. This figure is editable from the Hub / Utilities / Admin Utilities and then Accounting / Edit Vendor Balances if edits are necessary when preparing 1099s. This figure is zeroed out as the fiscal month that coincides with December is ended (not necessarily the fiscal year end).
  • Total Paid YTD – This accumulates throughout the fiscal year and is zeroed out as the 12th fiscal month is ended.
  • Email addresses to receive the ACH remittance stub – Double-click the <Email Address> heading to add rows and enter a single or multiple addresses where the ACH remittance stub should be sent.
  • Company Name to Print on Form 1099 – If the company name should be included in the 1099 file, enter it in this area. If the Vendor name is correct for the 1099, this field may be left blank.
  • Method of Payment – When paying the Vendor, choose whether the payment is made by Check, ACH Payment, or Electronic Funds Transfers. The Pay Bills screen may be filtered by the Method of Payment. A filter is available to filter for only ACH Vendors, Non-ACH Vendors, or EFT Vendors. For more information on setting up ACH Vendors, see here.
  • Check – Select this option to print checks when paying Bills for this Vendor.
  • ACH Payment – This option is used if the Vendor is paid by an ACH payment. If selected, then the ACH Account Information must be completed in order to transmit the information to the bank.
  • Electronic Funds Transfers – Using this option enables an additional option when a Purchase Invoice or an A/P Bill is entered for this Vendor to determine if the Bill is to be paid by EFT. Then, at the Pay Bills screen, Pay Only EFT Bills may be selected to quickly find these Bills and enter a payment against them.
  • Hold Payment – If this option is selected, the Vendor’s Bills do not show at the Pay Bills screen and Quick Checks for this Vendor are not able to be printed until the option is deselected.
  • Pay Only 1 Bill per Check – This allows each Bill to be paid individually to the Vendor. This option is not supported for Vendors paid by ACH payments.
  • Pay to ACH Account Information – This is used if the ACH Payment method is selected. This information is required for the ACH file to be submitted to the bank for the payments.
  • ACH Routing # – Enter the routing number for the Vendor’s bank.
  • Bank Account # – Enter the account number for the account that the money is to be deposited.
  • Account Type – Select Checking or Savings to notify the bank of the type of account where the money is to be deposited.
  • Notify Email/Fax – If the Vendor is set to receive ACH payments, selecting either of these options will print the Vendor’s email address or fax number on the ACH advice.
    Note: By checking the eMail box, the email address that prints on the ACH advice is the Email from the Vendor’s Profile tab.
  • ACH Type – Choose CCD, CTX, or PPD from the drop-down. The File Type at Accounting / Setup / Preferences on the A/P tab in the Vendor ACH File Options section must be set to Vendor Batch to process A/P Bills to Vendors using a single ACH file. According to NACHA Guidelines:
    • The Standard Entry Class (SEC) code for consumer transactions is PPD.
    • The Standard Entry Class (SEC) code for corporate transactions is CCD or CTX.
  • Electronic PO Vendor – If Purchase Orders are transmitted to this Vendor electronically via the ASCII Purchase Order export, this option may be selected. Vendors with this option chosen have the Send Electronically to Vendor option available on the PO Print window. The Estimated Freight Vendor ID, Name, Type, and Amount are included in the file.


This page shows the transaction activity of the Vendor. Selecting List on the Invoices side displays all A/P Bills from the current fiscal year plus all the activity from the last twelve months of the previous fiscal year along with all unpaid Invoices from prior fiscal years. Choose List on the Payments side to display the transactions from the current and previous fiscal year. Bills may be voided or edited from this screen. Checks may be voided, viewed, or reprinted.


  • Edit – Only very limited edits are allowed on A/P Bills. The Bill Date, Due Date, Description, PO #, and On Hold statuses are the only items that may be edited.
  • Void – If the A/P Bill is unpaid, it may be voided. Voiding the Bill reverses it from the Vendor’s account and adds a new Journal Entry which reverses the original entry. A/P Bills that have been fully or partially paid are not allowed to be voided.


  • Void – Selecting this marks the disbursement entry as Void, reverses the General Journal Entry, and marks the A/P Bill as Unpaid if the check was written through the Pay Bills. If the check was entered as a Quick Check, voiding the check also voids the Bill created by the program.
  • View – Selecting this displays the check information and a list of the Bills paid by the disbursement.
  • Reprint – Reprinting a check is useful at times when a paper jam occurs with the printer or the checks are printed on incorrect forms. The check number can be changed if necessary before reprinting. At this time, memo checks are unavailable for reprinting.