Inbound - Warehouse


The Inbound area of the app is used to add Bills of Lading as product is received at the Location. Inbound shipments can be received by either using a bar code reader or by manually entering the information for a Bill of Lading or Purchase Receipt. The Product Lot Number populates in the Lot Number field if one exists for the Product when pulling an EDN into an Inbound Bill of Lading.

Selecting Inbound displays a grid listing all Vendors and open Bills of Lading.

Use the Search bar to search by Vendor or BOL#. A new BOL can be added by choosing a Vendor then tapping Create New Bill of Lading.

Create New BOL

When searching for EDNs from a Vendor, only Vendors set up in B2B display in the Warehouse app.

Vendor Tab

On the Vendor tab, enter a Received Date if different from today and the Bill of Lading Number. Information about the Vendor is also available on this tab. Comments can be entered by tapping the Notes icon in the top right.

Products Tab

On the Products tab, tap in the Add Product field to search for a product by Abc, Bar Code, or Favorites.

Enter the Received Quantity and optionally select from a list of existing Lot Numbers or tap Add to create a new Lot Number.

Tap Select container to navigate to the Contain app. A new container can be added if needed.

Note: This is the only time a new container can be added within an app.

Tap Select Purchase Order to indicate a PO to be used. The Select Purchase Order window displays listing Purchase Orders available for the Vendor and Product.

Tap Update BOL to continue adding products. Choosing Update BOL updates the received products on the BOL in the app only. The BOL must then be pulled into Agvance through a Purchase Receipt.

Swipe a Product to the left and tap Delete to remove it from the ticket.

Additionally, products not currently existing in Agvance can be added by searching for the product then selecting Create Pending Product and entering the appropriate information. Pending Products may be resolved at Accounting / Utilities / Resolve Mobile Inventory Received Products Exceptions.

Selecting Save updates the BOL in the app only. In Agvance, the saved BOL can be viewed at Accounting / Inventory / Purchase Receipt. Select the Vendor and choose Mobile Inventory to view the Product coming in and what is listed on the BOL.