Popular Articles

  1. Using the Steinlite SL95 Moisture Tester in the Scale Interface

    Overview The Steinlite SL95 moisture tester has the ability to communicate with the Grain Scale Ticket Interface through the PC’s COM port. The Grain Scale Ticket Interface will read in the moisture and test weight values as well as the calibration...
  2. Agvance Grain Balance Sheet - Comparative Report

    Information about Balance Sheet - Comparative Report in Grain. This report is available as part of the Advanced Reporting feature. The Balance Sheet - Comparative report is a comparative financial report that lists the assets, liability, and capita...
  3. Sell from Dept ID

    The Sell From Dept ID preference at Accounting / Setup / Location Preferences on the Delivery Ticket tab allows the option to easily change the Inventory Department that a Blend or Delivery Ticket line item is pulling from without having to de...
  4. General Tab in Company Settings - SKY Dispatch

    Type of Work Classification Choose which Department Classification to use for Types of Work used in SKY Dispatch. Note: Only one Classification can be selected at a time. Priority Add, edit, or change the color for Priority labels. Sele...
  5. Discount Program Statement

    A Statement may be used to summarize or monitor a customer’s business by month or year. It can also be used to help reconcile accounts at the end of the season and to Invoice/credit discounts to customers. Stmt. Customer – This allows specifi...
  6. Edit to Actual Products Loaded

    While the Blend Ticket represents the amount of product planned for a batch or load, the actual result is usually over or under the ticket amount. This difference can affect the accuracy of inventory, the customer invoice, and profit reports. Edit ...
  7. Mapping Preferences - Hub

    This area at Hub / Setup / Mapping Preferences allows non-Mapping users to set preferences for options related to viewing maps outside of Mapping. Background Road Folder – Use the Browse icon to choose which folder is the background road ...
  8. RFID Tags

    RFID Tags are used to identify the load to a Customer without needing to contact the Customer. RFID Tags are set up under the Setup menu in Agvance Scale Interface. Tag Number – Enter a unique identifier of the tag. Location – Double-cli...
  9. Relationships

    In the Relationships window, view Contacts and Associated Grower360 Accounts associated with the selected Customer. A separate card displays for each Contact set up on the Customer Profile in Agvance. The completed information for the contact...
  10.  Drawing a Field Boundary

    In SKY Mapping, the user has the ability to draw a field perimeter that designates the boundary of the field.  This boundary will be used as the basis of the growers field layers. ...