Income Statement Analysis Dashboard

This dashboard honors user restrictions based on Profit Center and Category.

Income Statement Analysis Tab


The Income Statement Analysis dashboard gives an overview of different account categories with year-to-date and monthly activity totals. A year over year percentage below the totals displays depending on the prior year totals. There is also a Detail section listing the accounts and breaks the accounts down by the monthly activity and year-to-date totals. There is a sheet to view the yearly activity and a sheet to view the yearly balances.

Year over year = (Current Year - Prior Year) / Absolute Prior Year value


Optionally filter by Fiscal Month. The PL setting is set up in Agvance for the Activity Breakdown and Balance Breakdown tabs. Selecting an account navigates to Ledger for further information on the account selected.

Financial Activity Tab


The Financial Activity tab gives an interactive overall picture of financial performance. The numbers at the top represent the activity. Select a month in the Revenue vs. Cost of Sales bar chart to see the activity for a specific month or leave the dashboard unfiltered to see activity for all months combined. The unfiltered amounts at the top of the dashboard represent year-to-date numbers.


Top Numbers

  • Revenue – Activity from accounts with PL Category of Direct Income.
  • Cost of Sales – Activity from accounts with PL Category of Direct Expense.
  • Gross MarginRevenue - Cost of Sales.
  • Overhead Expenses – Activity from accounts with PL Category of Overhead Expense.
  • Taxes – Activity from accounts with PL Category of Taxes.
  • Net Profit/Loss - Gross MarginOverhead Expenses + Other Income - Other Expenses - Taxes.

The line charts below each number show a trend of each value across every fiscal month.

Revenue vs. Cost of Sales

This bar chart compares Revenue and Cost of Sales per month. Selecting a month will filter the Top Numbers.

Monthly Activity

This table shows monthly balances for each PL Category. Selecting the header for the PL Category will expand the categories to show a breakdown by G/L Account. The darker blue numbers are the highest activity month for each PL Category or G/L Account.