Popular Articles

  1. Crop Maintenance - Planning

    Enter the crops used in the company’s trade area at this screen. Crop Name – Enter the name of the crop as it should appear on reports (Field information, Field Plans, Blend Tickets, etc.). Units – Indicate the harvest units. New units may...
  2. Sales Allocations

    The Alternate Product ID is available at the Select a Sales Allocation window at Hub / Setup / Sales Allocations . This area is optionally used to allocate product at a specific price for use on Sales Orders. Allocations interact with Sales...
  3. Import Secondary Sales

    The Import Secondary Sales feature was designed to import data from a secondary source. It requires the import file to be in a CSV format. With a proper format, a secondary (non-Agvance related) set of data may be captured into Agvance. Please consu...
  4. Background Imagery

    There are two options for background imagery.  Option One (Recommended) Background imagery can be set up either at  Mapping / SSI / Mapping Preferences or Hub / Setup / Mapping Preferences by selecting the Use Bing options for Bing Roads data...
  5. Dispatch for Energy

    Overview Dispatch for Energy allows the dispatch of Product Delivery Orders and Maintenance Work Orders created from the Energy module. This gives the dispatcher the ability to send orders to the driver in the most efficient sequence, track the dri...
  6. Filtering Data - SKY Analytics

    Analyze data by filtering, displaying interactive filters, and formatting filters in the view. Keep or Exclude To filter marks from the view, choose a single mark (data point) or select and drag in the view to select several marks. Select Keep O...
  7. Bank Deposit

  8. Sales Analysis Report

    The Sales Analysis report, found at Accounting / Accounting Reports / Accounts Receivable / Sales  is commonly used to view Sales for Customers, Products, and/or Fields based on a wide variety of filtering options. The report also allows for...
  9. SKY Apply

  10. Email Payment Receipts with CRM

    Email payment receipts to Customers through Agvance CRM by selecting the Email This option on the Payment on Account window. In Accounting, choose the Add a Payment on Account icon or go to Accounting / A/R / Payments and select Add . C...