Popular Articles

  1. Transfer Scale Tickets

    The transfer of Scale Tickets at Grain Scale Interface / Operations / Transfer Scale Tickets has three different features: Creating a file to transfer Scale Tickets Retrieving a transfer file Importing Scale Tickets directly into the Grain mod...
  2. Available Grain Scale Ticket Formats

    Q.   What formats are available for the Grain Scale Ticket Interface?   A.   The Grain Scale Interface has several format options available but can be split into two groups, those that are compatible with 40 character ...
  3. Using Credit Statuses

    Credit Statuses are a valuable tool which, when put into effect, can help manage special credit situations. It also provides the ability to monitor Credit Status Overrides with the Credit Override Log report. Setup Credit Statuses are set up in H...
  4. Moving Products between Departments

    Products may be moved into different departments either by editing the product and selecting a different department or by using the Batch Edit Products utility found at Hub / Utilities / Admin Utilities / Hub . There are a couple of things to c...
  5. Warehouse Fact Sheet

    Agvance Warehouse uses mobile technology to manage inventory efficiently and accurately in agronomy warehouses and agricultural retail stores.
  6. Purchase Contracts Document Counter

    In order to be in compliance with state requirements, Purchase Contracts for Priced Later, Basis Fixed, Hedged-to-Arrive, FuturesFixed, and Minimum Priced Contracts need to be added for grain that has not yet been delivered. Each type of contract mu...
  7. Purchase Invoice from a Purchase Receipt

    Mark Purchase Receipts as processed, create unpaid bills, update costs, and affect the General Ledger. Navigate to Accounting / Inventory / Purchase Invoicing and select Add .  Choose the vendor entered on the related Purchase Receipt and...
  8. Changing an Agvance Hosted Password

    Occasionally, Agvance Hosted passwords will need changed or reset.  An Agvance Hosted user can accomplish this by following the steps below. While logged into the Agvance Hosted server, select CTRL + ALT + END on the keyboard. Select Chan...
  9. Payroll Exports Needed when Moving to New Payroll System

    If Custom Export is not available for the reports where it is mentioned below, please contact Support. Reference List Navigate to Accounting Reports / Payroll / Employee / Reference List . Choose General Info under Select Style . Make sure Pr...
  10. Tracking Lot Numbers

    Lot Numbers can be entered at the purchase, sale, and manufacture of inventory so Lots can be tracked all the way through the program and maintain accurate lot balances for products. Tracking of Product Lot Numbers can be done at several levels. Th...