The following instructions should be used for setting up a payroll deduction and setting up and posting an annuity (401K) deduction. Setup General Ledger Add a new general ledger account at Accounting / File / Open / G/L Accounts for the payrol...
Credit Statuses are a valuable tool which, when put into effect, can help manage special credit situations. It also provides the ability to monitor Credit Status Overrides with the Credit Override Log report. Setup Credit Statuses are set up in H...
In Agvance, any Prepay money received must have a Product Booking associated with it. These Bookings can either be actual product at special prices or a generic prepaid item that is booked and used in season during billing just for the dollars. Fie...
Agvance Warehouse uses mobile technology to manage inventory efficiently and accurately in agronomy warehouses and agricultural retail stores.
Rules and notification emails can be set up at a company level by selecting Setup at Inventory / Product Requests to indicate which change in status of a Product Request will trigger the sending of an email to selected recipients. This will use ...
When opening Dispatch, the List View page displays Blend Tickets created in Agvance. The grid operates much like an Excel spreadsheet. For more information on how the grid functions, see Using Grids in Agvance SKY .
Jobs l...
Many Grain users are accustomed to waiting to post Grain checks until the end of the month. These checks are often deposited into the bank prior to the Grain posting. Since the posting has not yet been done, these Grain checks will not show on the ...
More information on the Grower360 Native App can be found here .
Customization of colors schemes for the Grower360 portal is available. To learn more about adding custom colors, speak with an SSI representative.
Upon l...
To switch between Blend Jobs and Delivery Jobs, select the down arrow at the top of the screen. The number displayed indicates the number of each job type assigned to the applicator. Delivery Job List On any job, swipe from right to left to ...
Last Updated: 09/06/2023
in Education eLearnings
This course describes features available with Agvance Supplier eLink used during the seed ordering season. Start Course ...