Quick Tickets Supported Hardware

Barcode scanners, specialized receipt printers, cash drawers, and touch screen monitors are key components of most Point of Sale systems. Agvance supports a wide variety of POS hardware. Contact SSI support for help deciding what type of equipment is right for the copmany.


Barcode Scanners are alternative keyboard entry devices used to scan barcode labels, and are crucial to accuracy at Point of Sale. Just like keyboards, any barcode scanner that is compatible with the operating system will work with Agvance.

Receipt Printers

Agvance provides the following Quick Ticket Receipt types:

  • 8.5 x 11 Laser
  • 8.5 x 5.5 Laser
  • 8.5 x 5.5 Dot Matrix
  • 40 Character Dot Matrix
  • 4.4” Star Thermal (for the Star TSP800 - http://www.starmicronics.com/)
  • 40 Character Plain text
  • 8.5 x 5.5 Generic

SSI recommends a 40 character thermal receipt printer for POS use. This type of receipt printer is very fast, very quiet, and prints a professional-looking receipt.

SSI has tested the Epson TM-T88V thermal printer:

Cash Drawers

APG Cash drawers are recommended. There are three basic categories of cash drawers depending on how they connect to the POS computer.

Printer-Triggered (MultiPRO 320 Interface)

The cash drawer connects to the receipt printer, which triggers the drawer to open when a receipt prints. This is the most common configuration in currently available POS systems. In this case, Agvance is only communicating with the receipt printer, so the cash drawer simply has to be compatible with the printer. SSI has tested APG Model VB320-BG1616 with the Epson TM-T88V thermal receipt printer. Other MultiPro 320 cash drawers that include 320 in the first part of the model number should also work. This drawer works when Agvance is run in a Terminal Server session (Remote Desktop).

USB (554A Interface)

The cash drawer connects directly to the computer with a USB cable, and must be manually triggered to open. SSI has tested APG model VB554-BL1616-B5. Other USB cash drawers that include 554 in the first part of the model number should also work.

Note: This drawer will not open if Agvance is running in a Terminal Server session.

Serial (484 Interface)

Some older cash drawers connect to the point of sale computer with a serial cable. Many newer computers no longer include a serial port, but serial-to-USB adapters are available. SSI has tested APG model T484A-BL1616-M3. Other USB cash drawers that include 484 in the first part of the model number should also work. This interface may be the best option if not using a thermal receipt printer and running Agvance in a Terminal Server session.

View the Setup Instructions for APG Cash Drawer with 484A Serial Interface here.