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  1. Delivery Ticket Analysis Dashboard

    This dashboard can be used to view Delivery Tickets by several dimensions and measures. Purpose The Delivery Ticket Analysis dashboard can be used to view Delivery Tickets by several dimensions and measures. The Detail tab shows additional Deliv...
  2. Scale Interface Hardware Configurations

    Q.  What are the different hardware configurations for running the Agvance Agronomy and Grain Scale Interfaces, and the pros and cons for each type of setup? A.   Disconnected In a disconnected arrangement, the scale computer is a sta...
  3. Product Request Setup

    Rules and notification emails can be set up at a company level by selecting Setup at Inventory / Product Requests to indicate which change in status of a Product Request will trigger the sending of an email to selected recipients. This will use ...
  4. Employee Setup

    Any person who was employed by the company during the current calendar year should be entered into the system. Before payroll can be processed, there are several setup steps. Profile The Arrow icons at the bottom of the screen allow paging f...
  5. Sales

    Sales Tax on Sales Register and Sales Tax Summary The Total Sales Tax from the Sales Register report is a calculated total of all of the sales tax listed on the report. The Taxes  collected from the Sales Tax Summary report is the sum of...
  6. AP Bills In Approval Process - SKY Vendor Updated

    The In Approval Process tab lists A/P Bills in the approval process. Bills awaiting approval or those that have been approved but not yet reviewed and posted will display here. Select the Expand icon to view additional details. In the Appro...
  7. Delivery Jobs - Apply

    To switch between Blend Jobs and Delivery Jobs, select the down arrow at the top of the screen. The number displayed indicates the number of each job type assigned to the applicator. Delivery Job List On any job, swipe from right to left to ...
  8.  Manage Discount Programs

    The Manage Discount Programs feature is designed to help manage various discount programs offered to customers. Two different reporting options, called the Statement of Account  and the Program Discount Reconciliation are included. T...
  9. Allowing a Discount

    The  Discount feature may be used for one of two reasons: The Customer is taking advantage of an early pay discount that was offered. Writing off a small under (or over) payment by using the  Discount feature. The discounts allowed ...
  10. Sales Order Prefs

    These settings on the Sales Order Prefs tab at Planning / Setup / Location Preferences control the preferences for Sales Orders for the selected Location. Default Offer Expires Date – Selecting this option sets the expiration date a...