No Budget Options
If nothing is checked, then all budget options – Current Budget , Forecast , Next Year Budget – will transfer to the new year unchanged.
New year’s budget numbers will be as follows:
Current Budget = prior ...
Patronage is an additional purchase module. It provides cooperatives the tools needed to track, maintain, and distribute yearly earnings as well as previously deferred equity. This module allows the ability to apply and calculate interest payment ba...
Agvance can receive files with an extension of .dbf , .txt , or .fil from the CompuWeigh system. Upon determining which file type to receive, follow the corresponding setup instructions below.
Receiving DBF Files
Navigate to t...
Multi-Factor Authentication can be set up by selecting the User drop-down and choosing My SKY Account . Setup Select Edit to set up Multi Factor Authentication in SKY. Select + Add Multi Factor Method . Choose an authentication met...
This process should be done after the last payroll of the month has been processed. Make an image of the data ( Hub / Utilities / Make Database Image ). Backup the data directory – generally \avdata\lastimage . From Agvance A...
John Deere’s AgLogic™ program is a system of software apps and hardware devices used by retailers to handle the logistics of custom applying ag inputs. It involves an in-the-office dispatching program and in-the-field software that runs on a handhel...
These settings on the Sales Order Prefs tab at Planning / Setup / Location Preferences control the preferences for Sales Orders for the selected Location. Default Offer Expires Date – Selecting this option sets the expiration date automat...
This dashboard displays the total acres applied for Blend Tickets completed from the Apply and Dispatch apps. Purpose The Acres Applied dashboard displays total acres applied for Blend Tickets completed from the Apply and Dispatch apps. Resu...
While it may not be known exactly what rebates will be received until the end of the seed season, it is important to incorporate an estimate of the rebate in the cost of the seed Products so the sales margins are reasonable. There are two seed dis...
Optionally turn on the Enable Tasks and Notifications for my company option in SKY Admin under Task Center to receive notice of Plan Approvals , Service Requests , Energy Order Requests , Booking Contract Signed , Grain Purchase Contract Si...