Q. llustrating how to enter a commodity transfer and related general journal entry. A. Follow these instructions when the value of the commodity being transferred is different at the receiving location than the source location. The values can o...
This dashboard is based on data from a scheduled extract that occurs daily. Purpose The Bookings by Customer Ship To dashboard displays a map of Customer Ship To locations with an open Booking. The table below the map displays a list of open ...
Located in the Energy module under the Utilities menu, this utility calculates and updates new budget monthly payments for budget billing customers and creates unpaid Bookings for the total gallons expected to be used by each customer. S...
Grain Offers created in Agvance or through Barchart can be found under the Grain menu by selecting View Offers . When the Grower is not signed in to Barchart, only Agvance Grain Offers are available to view here. Additional Grain Offer details can...
Business Influences may be set up to link Customers in the Accounting and CRM modules. Additionally, the Customer Gap Analysis report in the CRM module may be used to view linked Customers in a group. In the Accounting module, add a Business Influe...
Selecting Void at File / Open / Edit a Patron's Check allows voiding the selected check transactions. Verify the information that displays, then select Void to void the transaction. Customer ID – This represents the recipient of the che...
FTM-3690 / Make Journal Entry APIs Public – The Journal Entry endpoints are now visible in the public help file.
The most recent Payments, Invoices, Scale Tickets, and Field Applications on the customer's account can be quickly reviewed. Selecting See More on any of the grids displays additional transactions. If the Grain , Fields , Payments , and/or ...
This is the net temperature change from the base temperature of water added to the mix. When starting with 160-degree water and there is a net change of +75 degrees, the final temperature of the blend is 235 degrees. Any products used in the temper...
Create a Grower Order, Booking, and Purchase Order in one transaction. At Accounting / Inventory / Manage Seed Orders / Grower Order , select Reports to group open orders by Vendor and Location with an option to Exclude Zero Requested Quantit...