Popular Articles

  1. Signature in SKY

    A signature can be set up by selecting the User drop-down and choosing My SKY Account . Select Add Signature to draw a signature using either a mouse or finger. Choose Save when done. The signature will display on the Signature ...
  2. Payroll End of Period Checklist

    This process should be done after the last payroll of the month has been processed.          Make an image of the data ( Hub / Utilities / Make Database Image ). Backup the data directory – generally \avdata\lastim...
  3. Tasks and Notifications - SKY Admin

    Optionally turn on the Enable Tasks and Notifications for my company option in SKY Admin under Task Center to receive notice of Plan Approvals , Service Requests , Energy Order Requests , Booking Contract Signed , Grain Purchase Contract Si...
  4. Voiding an AP Check

    Learn how to void an AP Check in Agvance Accounting. ...
  5. Accounting Reports FAQs

    Q.  The Budget Billing Checkup is showing a difference between the Transaction Activity and the Budget Balance. A.  This difference may be caused by Customers who have budget balances but no tanks to represent those balances. To find...
  6. Manage Seed Orders

    Grower Order Grower Orders allow one entry point to manage product orders from growers and vendors. Optionally filter Grower Orders with the Booking Status drop-down to display ALL , Deleted , or Not Deleted on the Select Grower Order windo...
  7. Futures Month Pricing Import Criteria

    Import a TSV file at Grain / Setup / Futures Month/Pricing .  The following criteria must be followed: Commodity – This IS required. The Commodity must be active in the database. Location – The Location IS NOT required. T...
  8. SKY Application Report

    The SKY Application Report helps reconcile purchased product to applied product by displaying the actual product applied with minimum and maximum rates, along with visual comparisons for yield or soil test data. Navigate to Reports / SKY Mapping ...
  9. Cost of Goods Seems Incorrect

    If it seems the Cost of Sales account has an incorrect value, it may be necessary to involve SSI support to find the source of the problem. The following is a list of items to check: Run the Income Statement month by month to find the first fiscal...
  10.  Enter a Booking with a Contract Down Payment

    Prepay a portion of a Booking to lock in a price using those dollars proportionately when Invoicing. Go to A/R / Product Bookings and choose Add . If the prepaid products are to be used only on specific fields, then they should be booked ...