Grower Orders - Supplier eLink

 A Grower Order is the transaction which requests seed from a supplier for a specific Grower. Creating a Grower Order in Agvance automatically creates a Booking, and optionally a Purchase Order, in one transaction. 

  • Order Number – An auto-generated number assigned to each Agvance Grower Order. 
  • Date – Defaults to the system date but may be changed if necessary.
  • Dealer ID – The dealer’s identification number as recognized by the supplier. The Dealer ID is set up in the B2B (Business to Business) Setup program. 
  • Salesperson – Selecting a salesperson on the order sends the Salesperson ID with the order to the supplier. The supplier can credit the salesperson for the order if this incentive is offered. 
  • Purchase – Select the Purchase Order option for this order. Add PO adds a new Purchase Order, Edit PO allows selecting an existing Purchase Order to update, and No PO does not add or update a Purchase Order. Once a Grower Order is saved, this selection defaults to the subsequent Grower Order. 
  • Direct Ship – If the Grower Order should ship directly to the Grower or a Location other than the dealer’s Ship To Location, select the Direct Ship option on the Grower Order. This sends a note to the supplier reminding them to contact the dealer prior to shipping the order to determine the shipping address. 
  • Comments – These comments are not submitted to the supplier but carry over to the Booking associated with the order. 
  • Farm Manager – If a farm manager is being used on the order, select it by double-clicking in the Farm Manager area. The list of available farm managers displays. The Role column in the Select a Farm Manager window has two options - Prepay and NonPrepay. Selecting a farm manager with a Prepay role enables two Payment Instruction options on the Grower Order window, Regular and Prepay, which sends special payment instructions with the Grower Order to the supplier. Selecting a farm manager with a NonPrepay role has the Payment Instruction options disabled and automatically sends Regular as the payment type to the supplier.
    Note: The farm manager reference is included on the order when the products are requested from the supplier. The best practice is to select the farm manager prior to selecting and ordering products. If a farm manager is selected after the order is placed, to associate the farm manager with the supplier’s order, one of the products on the order must be re-requested.
  • Sales Ref # – The supplier’s order number. This number is used to identify the order in the supplier’s system. 
  • Payment Instructions – Select Regular or Prepay for the type of payment. 
  • Show Booking – When selected, at the save of the Grower Order, the Booking displays and is available to add discount information or edit pricing for all Customers on the Booking. 
  • Hide Rows with Zero Qty – When selected, rows on the Grower Order that have zero quantity will not be displayed when editing the Grower Order. 
  • Import Sales Order – Once a supplier and Customer have been selected, optionally select a Sales Order to import Products into the Grower Order. More information regarding importing a Sales Order can be found here

Grower Order Grid Columns

  • Dept ID, Prod Desc, and Prod ID – The information as entered in the Product master file.
  • Ordered Qty – The amount of Product on order with the supplier for this specific order. 
  • Requested Qty – An editable field that allows more or less of a Product to be requested on the order. The order can be increased by either increasing the Requested Qty or by adding another line item for the same Product and requesting the additional quantity for that line item. 
  • Place Order – After editing the Requested Qty (either increasing or decreasing the line item amount), submit the line item change to the supplier by selecting the Request button for the line item. More information regarding creating and ordering Grower Orders can be found here.
  • Ordered – A checkmark in this column indicates the line item has been submitted to the supplier.
    Note: Once the Requested Qty is changed for a line item, the Ordered column becomes unchecked because the change to the Requested Qty must be submitted to the supplier. 
  • Amt. Available – Displays the amount of Product available for the dealer to order from the supplier. 
  • GTIN – The Global Trade Item Number assigned by the supplier.
  • Book Number, Book Location, and Book Date – This Booking information displays once a Grower Order is saved in the system  and subsequently edited.
  • PO Number – This number displays once a Grower Order is saved in the system and subsequently edited.
  • Line Item – A number assigned to the line of the order when Product is added.
  • Selling Price – A unit price for the line item may be added to the Grower Order by double-clicking in the Selling Price column. Enter a price or select from the available prices. This unit price carries over to the Booking. 
  • Price Level –Populates based on the selection made in the Selling Price column.
  • Increase to Dealer Order Qty – This quantity is returned by the supplier and indicates the amount the Dealer Order changed after the Grower Order was placed.
    Note: This quantity is the absolute value of the change. If the order was decreased, this number is still reflected as a positive number. 
  • Total Dealer Order Qty – This quantity is returned by the supplier and indicates the amount of Product on the Dealer Order. 
  • Total of All Grower Orders – This quantity is returned by the supplier and indicates the total amount of Product that exists on all Grower Orders for the dealer. 
  • Long / (Short) – This quantity is returned by the supplier indicating the dealer’s long or short position for the Product on the line item. This number should also be the difference between the Total Dealer Order and Total of All Grower Orders columns. 
    • A positive number indicates the dealer has more Product on their Dealer Order than on Grower Orders. 
    • A negative number indicates the dealer has more Product on Grower Orders than on their Dealer Order, creating a short position. 
  • Sales Order Number – When the Import Sales Order function is utilized, the imported Sales Order number displays.  
  • Do Not Submit Electronically – Additional Products can be added to the Booking screen but not submitted to the supplier by selecting this option. An example of this would be a generic prepay Product.