Grower Orders


 Grower Orders
Create a Grower Order, Booking, and Purchase Order in one transaction. At Accounting / Inventory / Manage Seed Orders / Grower Order , select Reports to group open orders by Vendor and Location with an option to Exclude Zero Requested Quantit...
 Grower Order Product Substitution
The Grower Order Product Substitution utility is available to assist in locating all Grower Orders for a specific Vendor and Location containing the selected Product. This Product can be substituted for a new Product using the utility.   ...
Changing Product Package Size / Treatment on Grower Orders
It is recommended to contact seed representatives to handle package size and treatment changes to eliminate the risk of losing seed.  Agvance does include options to address package size and treatment changes when needed. If requesting the...
 Grower to Grower Transfer
Seed orders can be tracked at Accounting / Inventory / Manage Seed Orders . Once a Grower Order is established, all or part of the order can be transferred to another Field, Grower, or group of Growers. Note: An option is available to Hide R...