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  1. SKY Analytics Videos

  2.  Payroll End of Year Information

    At the end of the calendar year, companies using the payroll portion of Agvance are finalizing the current year, printing W-2's and preparing for the new year. It is not required to wait until the end of the year to close the payroll year...
  3. Vehicles

    Optionally enter vehicles to be entered on various jobs throughout the program. ID – Enter up to 10 characters to uniquely identify each Vehicle. Vehicle Type – Selecting the Arrow displays the various types used in the past ...
  4. Dispatch Management - SKY Admin

    Integrations Setup Select the Edit icon to enter a DriftWatch API Key to display sensitive crop information alongside field boundaries on maps in SKY Dispatch and Apply.  Additionally, a Navman Username and Navman Password can be ente...
  5. Post Inventory to G/L with Unprocessed Purchase Receipts

    I have posted inventory to g/l including the 'Post Unprocessed Purchase Receipts' function more than once in this fiscal month. Now my financial reports are incorrect. My related COGS account(s) has/have been inflated. How can I correct? T...
  6. ACH Data Management

    Direct Deposit payroll setup, file creation, and reports are handled in this area. Contact your bank to see if they are able process ACH checks. The file generated for the bank is in a standard NACHA format. Print ACH 'Checks' Summa...
  7. Supplier eLink Crop Protection Products - Educational Pathway

    The Supplier e-Link Educational Pathway provides resources to reference when learning new tasks in Agvance. Supplier eLink provides the ability to integrate with web services made available from seed and chemical suppliers. These web services make i...
  8. Grower360 Grain Offers

    Grain Offers created in Agvance or through Barchart can be found under the Grain menu by selecting View Offers . When the Grower is not signed in to Barchart, only Agvance Grain Offers are available to view here. Additional Grain Offer details can...
  9. Transfer to Field History

    The posting of product application to Field History is a user-initiated function. This may be done for all fields or for a specific field.                           ...
  10. SKY Password Reset

    For lost or forgotten passwords in SKY,  go to sky.agvance.net and select Forgot your password? The Forgot your password? window will appear.  Enter your Username below and select Reset my password . A code will be sent ...