Patronage Setup


Getting Started with Patronage
Patronage is an additional purchase module. It provides cooperatives the tools needed to track, maintain, and distribute yearly earnings as well as previously deferred equity. This module allows the ability to apply and calculate interest payment ba...
Defining Patrons
Patrons are defined at the Select a Customer window located in the Accounting module at File / Open / Customer or at Accounting / Patronage / File / Open / Patron Info . Patrons must be set up as customers first. See the here for setting up cus...
Patronage Categories
Patronage Categories are set up at Setup / Patronage Categories . This screen is used to define up to 50 categories (such as Chemicals, Fertilizer, Corn Purchases, etc.) on which the co-op intends to base its Patronage disbursements. Patronag...
Patronage Reassignments
Patronage Reassignments are established at Setup / Patronage Reassignments. This screen provides a means of splitting out captured totals (dollars or quantities depending on the Patronage Category) from an individual patron to one or more other ...
Defining Stock Classes
Stock Classes are defined at Setup / Stock Classes . General Name – Enter the name of the Stock Class ( Ex. Common Stock). G/L Acct – Enter the General Ledger Account number or double-click and choose the account from the Select a G/...
Stock Certificates
Stock Certificates are set up at File / Open / Stock Certificates . A Stock Certificate must be established for any form of ownership (or equity) identified to a Patron. This includes such values as Common Stock , Preferred Stock , Deferred Stoc...