Dual Monitors - Advantage and Caveat


Several Agvance modules are optimized with the use of dual monitors – Mapping and Dispatch for example. The advantage of dual monitors is that by dragging selected Agvance windows to the secondary monitor, there are now two unique views of the activity of that module. In the case of Dispatch, it is possible to view the job grid and the map simultaneously.

Agvance remembers window sizes and positions so when logging into Agvance with the same monitor configuration, the windows will appear in the size/position of the last session. This works fine until, for whatever reason, there is no access to a second monitor (logging in from home, one of the monitors failed, etc.). SSI has had several reports of windows within Agvance unable to be accessed for this reason. 


The only way to gain access to a window that is being displayed on a non-existent monitor is to delete the AgvanceWindowSize configuration file that holds the size and position information. This will not impact Agvance grid column settings (order or width) but will cause the window size and position to revert to the default - which is to appear in the center of the screen.

Local IT can do this themselves from the Windows Explorer screen in the affected session by typing %appdata%\ssi\agvance. Delete the file named AgvanceWindowSize that appears in the list. If uncomfortable with performing this task, call SSI support staff who will be happy to help with this correction.