Updated Articles

  1. AP Bills Approval History Dashboard New

    This dashboard honors user restrictions based on Vendor Location. Purpose The AP Bills Approval History dashboard shows only AP Bills that have been through the Approval process in SKY. The dashboard can be used to see a history of the approv...
  2.  Combo Statement Updated

    The Combo Statement, which includes both Regular and Prepay activity on the same report, offers many different report options providing flexibility in determining how the statement will look. Some features of the Combo Statement include pa...
  3. Primary and Secondary Sort in Grids

    In Agvance, users can sort grids, such as the one within the Bank Deposit  option with both a primary and secondary sort option. For example, in the Bank Deposit grid, the data can be sorted by Method  as the primary sort, followed by ...
  4. Salesperson Information in Invoicing

    By default, within Invoicing, the Salesperson   information is selected by a Salesperson ID  drop-down. However, a user has the option to search for the Salesperson by Salesperson Name via the  Select a Salesperson  window...
  5. Install ARS Yield Editor

    The ARS Yield Editor is an application used to filter yield data and clean up yield maps. To utilize this tool, it can be downloaded and installed from the following link: http://www.ars.usda.gov/services/software/download.htm?softwareid=370 ...
  6. Soil Sample Bar Codes

    The following describes how bar codes can be used with soil sampling as well as creating soil test bag labels. The Sampling Work Order function can be used to produce bar codes for either Sampling Bags or Soil Lab Submittal Sheets. This funct...
  7. Layer Export

    In Agvance Mapping, layers are exported in Shapefile format. A Shapefile is a universal GIS file used in many other agricultural GIS software packages. They are easily distributed to others or to SSI support personnel. This is done by right clicking...
  8. Exporting Boundary Files

    Field boundaries can be exported as Shapefiles from Agvance Mapping. This can be completed at the Grower, Farm, or Field levels in the resource tree. Right-click the desired level in the resource tree, hover over Export , then select Export S...
  9. Suspension-Type Blends

    Method 1 When the Formulate to a given Salt Out Temp checkbox is selected when editing a Product Set at Blending / Setup / Product Sets under the Advanced button, the program will add water (if needed) to the blend to attain the salt out ...
  10. Debugging SSI Scale Interface

    When the scale has been connected to the computer running the Agvance Scale Interface, a representative from the scale company should be able to fill out the fields within the outlined areas below. Once that is done the Debug function ca...