Grain Purchase Contracts


Purchase Contracts
Overview General Tab The following information is required: Contract Number (auto-numbered or manual entry, global or location) Customer ID Location Commodity Date Established (defaults but can be changed) Contract Type Pricing Inform...
Purchase Contract Types
There are seven different Purchase Contract types: Priced Grain is contracted for a specific delivery period and a basis is determined along with a Futures price. The title passes to buyer upon delivery. There is a specified Commodity, number of...
Purchase Contracts Document Counter
In order to be in compliance with state requirements, Purchase Contracts for Priced Later, Basis Fixed, Hedged-to-Arrive, FuturesFixed, and Minimum Priced Contracts need to be added for grain that has not yet been delivered. Each type of contract mu...
Migrate Purchase Contract
When migrating Purchase Contracts with amendments, any amendments with a deduction are added to the new Priced Contract. Contract Units to Migrate – These are the units to migrate to the new priced Purchase Contract. This value cannot e...
Overfilling a Purchase Contract
When a Scale Ticket has overfilled the Purchase Contract associated with the Assembly, a screen will appear asking what needs to be done with the extra units. There are three choices available. Search for Other Contracts – Sel...
Advanced Deduction tied to a Grain Purchase Contract
Tie an Advance to a Grain Purchase Contract (non-Priced Purchase Contracts only). Setup At Grain / Setup / Preferences on the Purchases tab, selecting the preference Advances on Contracts Only If Fully Delivered restricts the creatio...