Setup Agronomy Scale Interface


Configure Agronomy Scale Interface
Navigate to Agvance Scale Interface / Setup . Scale to Configure – Select the scale to be configured. Only two scales may be attached to a computer. Scale Name – Enter a name for the scale. Scale Many fields on the Scale Interface Conf...
Agronomy Scale Company Preferences
Company Preferences found under the Setup menu in Agvance Scale Interface allows the labels for Comment 1 through 5 to be changed along with other preference settings. Comment 1-5 – Optionally enter a more descriptive new label for each...
Agronomy Scale Location Preferences
These Location Preferences under the Setup menu in Agvance Scale Interface allow Ticket Types to be selected by Location. Only the selected types are available at the Scale Ticket screen. Location – Select the Location for the preferenc...
Scale Ticket Weighmaster
Overview Truck drivers may independently weigh and record non-grain inventoried loads using the Agronomy Scale Interface by selecting their name from a list of Weighmasters. Setup At  Hub / Utilities / Scale Interface / Agvance Scale Interface / ...