Updated Articles

  1. AP Bills In Approval Process - SKY Vendor

    The In Approval Process tab lists A/P Bills in the approval process. Bills awaiting approval or those that have been approved but not yet reviewed and posted will display here. Select the Expand icon to view additional details. In the Appr...
  2. AP Bills in SKY Vendor

    Overview View a listing of AP Bills from Agvance data. Bills displayed will adhere to the Vendor Restrictions from Agvance. In SKY Admin, the Vendor toggle can be turned on or off for each SKY user to allow or deny access to the SKY V...
  3. Manufacture Price Book Dashboard

    This dashboard honors user restrictions based on Product Location. Purpose The Manufacture Price Book dashboard shows the calculated cost and prices (Raw Products) of Manufactured Products (Finished) along with the % margin ( (Price - Cost)...
  4. 7.0.25940 | 07.16.2024

    Grain Operations FTM-3945 / Obligations – In STLM, Obligations are now available under the Operations menu. Additional details regarding this feature and its setup are available here . ...
  5. STLM Grain Obligations

    Grain Obligations are non-priced specialty contracts with a future obligation of delivery. These are only available in STLM. Setup In order to use Grain Obligations, the  Use Contract Amendments  option must be turned on at  Grain / Setup / Pr...
  6. Using Buyer Signatures with a Purchase Contract

    To capture and add Buyer Signatures, access to Agvance SKY is required. For information on adding Seller Signatures, please see the following article - Using Seller Signatures with a Purchase Contract . Setup Each Agvance User authori...
  7. Grain Preferences

    This setup area allows configuring various defaults and settings to customize the program to the company’s preferences. Edit configurations at Setup / Preferences . General Scale Tickets – The last report number and posting date are bo...
  8. Grain Custom Contracts

    Custom Contracts can be set up for different Format Types in Grain on the General tab at Grain / Setup / Preferences . Format Type – Select a Format Type from the list. Format Name – Enter a name for this custom contract. This n...
  9. Batch Assign Roles

    This area allows for temporarily changing Users' Roles to one that is restricted, allowing the End of Month process to proceed. Once the month is closed, use this same tool to change the Users back to their original Roles. Users can also be excluded...
  10. July 2024 SKY Energy Release Notes

    SKY Energy SKYR-345 / SKY Energy Logo –  New SKY Energy logo now appears on the landing page of SKY Energy.  SKYR-346 / SKY Energy Error Page –  New error page in application. Clicking Go Home will redirect back to a safe SKY Energy landi...