Invoicing Methods

Invoices are automatically sequentially numbered. When there are multiple retail locations, the Invoice numbering scheme is separate for each location. The counter for each location’s Invoice is displayed at Setup / Locations on the Preferences tab. If the Invoice numbering sequence needs changed, this can be done in the Hub from Utilities / Admin Utilities but must not be done while transactions are being saved in Agvance. When importing prior year data at Admin Utilities / Hub / Import Prior Year Data, Invoices being imported will be marked as paid in the current year database. Contact SSI Support for help when using the Admin Utilities area.

The following are the three primary invoicing methods.

By Field

Billing by Field gives the opportunity to track the sale by Field and also takes advantage of any predefined billing splits set at the Field level. To access the existing Fields, double-click in the By Field area. By selecting a Field from here, all customers associated with this Field and the appropriate billing split arrangements are automatically included.

By Selecting Customers

To manually select the billing customer(s), double-click the <Customer Name> heading. A Customer Selection screen appears to choose the customer(s) involved. To select multiple customers, hold the Ctrl key down while choosing the customer(s) involved.

Select Add Cash Customer to add a cash customer used for incidental sales that do not require tracking to a specific customer.

Enter the split percentages for S-1. Splits 2 and 3 (S-2 and S-3) are not available when billing by customer. For more information on the three split options (S-1, S-2, and S-3), see the Field/Billing Splits in the Hub portion of the manual.

If the customer has a Bill To address different than the address shown at the customer profile, it may be selected on the Select Customer(s) screen. The Bill To address could also be addressed to a different person. Bill To addresses are defined in the customer file by selecting Addresses. For more on this feature, see the information on Customer Profile in the Hub section of the help files.

Auto-Invoicing from Delivery or Blend Tickets

See here for more information on invoicing from tickets.

Select Import Tickets and a selection screen appears with all unprocessed loaded Delivery Tickets and/or loaded Blend Tickets.

  • Ticket Filter – Use the Customer/Field ID filter in the upper left corner to display a selected subset of the unprocessed tickets. Double-click behind the Customer and/or Field ID to select the customer and/or field. Crop, location, and farm may optionally be entered which filters all tickets accordingly.
    Hint: Right-click on a ticket to display additional information.
  • Ticket List Area – Select all the tickets to be combined onto the same Invoice and choose OK. The Combine Like Items on Invoices option determines if identical products on these tickets are summed. If there are any tickets selected that have conflicting bill splits, a Split Conflict window displays which allows the split arrangement to be selected.
    Hint: To select multiple tickets, hold the Ctrl key as the tickets are selected.
  • Combine Like Items on Invoices – When importing multiple tickets, choose to combine quantities of like products or list them separately.

After invoicing from Delivery and/or Blend Tickets, these tickets are marked as Processed and are no longer available at the Import Tickets screen for future billing.

When a Return Delivery Ticket is imported into an Invoice, the Return Reason selected on the Delivery Ticket is included on the Invoice. If more than one Return Delivery Ticket is imported, the Return Reason from the last Delivery Ticket with a Return Reason populated is used.

Using Multiple Tickets

Multiple Tickets, found at A/R / Invoice, is used to efficiently invoice a group of selected Delivery Tickets or Blend Tickets. Individual invoices are created for each ticket selected.

This option was created as way of automatically invoicing a batch of selected delivery and blend tickets. Tickets for multiple customers can be selected since it creates one invoice per ticket. The pricing follows the ticket price, the booked price, the price level entered on the customer file, or list price. If there are any pricing differences between a ticket and a booking, or if there are issues with the invoice checking, such as credit checking, permit checking, or grain bank pools, messages will appear awaiting a user response of how to continue. If a message appears, the user has the option to skip the invoicing for that ticket. Skipping that ticket allows the process to continue for the remaining tickets.

During the busy season, it can sometimes be difficult to get the task of invoicing all those tickets completed.

At the Import Multiple Tickets window, tickets may optionally be filtered by Customer, Field ID, Crop, Location, and Farm ID.

Select tickets. Multiple tickets may be chosen by holding the Ctrl key while selecting the tickets.

If the Preview Invoice(s) option is selected, each Invoice is displayed and may be adjusted as needed. At the bottom of the window, the following options are available:

  • Skip – The Invoice for the current ticket is not saved. Selecting this advances to the next selected ticket for review.
  • Back – For a split Invoice, this navigates to the previous customer in the split.
  • Next – For a split Invoice, this navigates to the next customer in the split.
  • Save – This will save the Invoice.

If the Preview Invoice(s) option is not selected, the Invoices are created automatically.

Note: If any required information is missing or if there are credit warnings for the selected customers, messages display.